Virtual Memory


Virtual addressing
Page removal
Page loading
Shared pages
Unix Memory
Windows NT Memory
Windows 95 Memory


Even allowing multiple processes to reside in memory simultaneously is not sufficient to allow good multitasking.

If a process has a probability of p of being idle while waiting for I/O, then for N processes the probability that all are idle is p^N - which will never be zero.

This time is wasted, especially if other processes would be able to execute if there was room in memory for them to run.

A solution is ``swapping''. When a process is idle, the program itself and all data areas that it is using can be copied out to disk, freeing the main memory for use by other processes.

Choosing which processes to swap, etc belong to ``process management''. What we need now is to see the effect on memory management.

In order to swap processes to disk, there must be a swap area on the disk. This is usually of fixed size, and larger than RAM, so that it can hold many more non-running processes than fit into RAM.

For example, my desk machine has 64M RAM, 64M swap. My Linux laptop has 32M RAM, 64M swap.

This swap area will have free space as well as used space, and so must be managed just like RAM. It will have free and used lists, and some memory allocation scheme will be needed.

When a running process requests more RAM, it can be given it if there is some available, or non-running processes can be swapped out to disk to create this extra space. If there is no space on the disk, the memory request will probably fail. In this case, the user often has to reduce the number of processes using RAM and swap space before enough processes can be swapped out to allow this program to get enough RAM.

Windows uses swapping. In most uses it creates a temporary dynamically-sized swap file on startup and deletes it on exit (\windows\win386.swp). It can also use fixed size swap files or use a disk partition.


Sometimes the entire program may be too large to ever fit into RAM. The simplest scheme relies on the programmer breaking it into logically smaller pieces known as overlays.

A main part runs all the time. Overlay instructions cause the O/S to replace part of a program with another. The permanently running part calls procedures in the overlays, which return back to it after completion.

This requires the programmer to structure their program into separate modules, communicating only through the resident program. Once structured, the O/S can do the rest.

This method was once commonly used in MSDOS.


A finer grained scheme than this allows partitioning not only of program code, but of all elements into segments. Individual segments can then be swapped out to disk as the need arises.

The 80x86 series offer hardware support for segments. Segments have a maximum size of 64k. An address is composed of two parts: a 16-bit segment address and a 16-bit offset address.

To find the actual address, the segment is shifted left by four bits and then the offset is added. The actual address is then a 20-bit address with a 1M address space.

Relocation is easy for addressing within a segment with this scheme, as the segment address just needs to be reset.

This leads to different ``memory models'' for the PC:

The disadvantage with this scheme is that it makes it hard to have data or program structures larger than a segment size. For example, a 65k array in MSDOS requires the ``huge'' memory model which is slow as all addresses have to be ``normalised'' to remove ambiguity in addressing.

Virtual addressing

The segmentation model is still visible to many parts of the system. It can be hidden further by by making ordinary programs use virtual addresses. These then have to be mapped onto physical addresses by the hardware.

The program then just uses these virtual addresses, and the hardware and the O/S between them worry about the physical addresses.

This makes it easy as far as an application is concerned, because it does not have to worry about how much physical memory is available, about swapping or about relocation problems.


The memory is divided into fixed sized regions called page frames. Programs and data are divided into fixed sized portions called pages. The size of a page frame is the same as the size of a page.

When loading a program any page of the program can be placed in any unused page frame. This requires a page table to keep track of the mapping between pages and page frames.
page table

This shows that page 0 (logical/virtual) maps into page frame 3 (physical), page 2 (logical) maps into page frame 0 (physical). Page 1 (logical) has no mapping into a physical address.

If the page size is 1k, this can also be written

A logical address of say 2051 (=2048+3) maps into physical address 0k+3 = 3.

There is one page table per process - the pages belong to each individual process. The page frames are the real memory.

This mapping must be performed by hardware, and must be fast because it affects every memory reference.

The way this is done depends on the hardware. For example, there may be a page table register holding the base of the table as a table in RAM, and this gets set for each process.

The hardware has to translate addresses. The other thing it has to do is to generate a page fault interrupt when there is no entry for the logical address.

The O/S has to trap that interrupt and take appropriate action. The actions are twofold: remove a page from memory if neccessary, and load the missing page into memory.

Page removal

The O/S will load a missing page if needed. However, there may not be any space for it because all page frames have something in them. In this case a page must be removed first.

Which is the best frame to remove? The one that will not ever be used again, or failing that the one that will not be used for the longest time. Requires clairvoyance.

Least recently used

This attempts to predict future use by looking at past use. If a page has been recently used then it is likely that it will be needed again soon.

This is because of sequential code and loops, which tend to re-execute the same or close bits of program code.

So remove something that has not been used for the longest time, hoping that it will not be needed soon.

This requires that a list be kept of usage of each page, in order of last use. Whenever a memory reference occurs, this list must be updated, moving pages around to keep the list up to date.

This makes this system prohibitively expensive in general.

Not recently used

This divides pages into two classes: those that have been used recently and those that haven't. A single bit in the page table can be used for this. Whenever a page is accessed, this bit is set.

If a page should be removed, one with the bit unset is a good candidate.

To ensure that there are pages with bits unset, on a periodic basis all pages have their used bit set to zero.

FIFO (first in first out)

This is also simple to implement. Rather than predicting on recent usage, it predicts on time of loading. The oldest in memory are the first to go. This is just a queue,and can be maintained by pointers in the page table.

Removal to where?

If a page has not ever been changed, it can be discarded. If it is needed again it can be reloaded from the original disk file. If it has been changed then it must be kept in the swap area.

Supervisor mode

All of these memory manipulation algorithms must be run in supervisor mode to gain access to the memory where the tables are kept and to manipulate all processes.

Page loading

If a page is not in memory and is requested, it may be in the swap area. If so, it should be loaded from there. Should it be in the swap area?

In demand paging pages are only loaded from the original files when needed. So the answer is: not if demand page loading is used. Otherwise, all pages possibly required would have to be loaded into either memory or swap when the program is first started.

Shared pages

This is another technique for squeezing more out of the available memory. In a timesharing system it is common for multiple versions of a program to be running (eg many shells). If they can share pages then this cuts memory usage.

Pages can be shared if they have readable data only - if the data can be changed then separate copies are needed. A compiler may divide the data areas into read-only that can be shared, and writeable that cannot.

This technique is also extended to dynamic linking of libraries. Libraries are strong candidates for shared pages across different programs. They are also in every compiled program.

Both to save disk space and to allow easier indentification of sharing, these are often not linked in until load time.

Unix Memory

The memory for any process is divided into In a virtual memory system (which all modern Unix's are) this may look like
Unix memory

Windows NT Memory

Windows NT is a 32-bit O/S which can also run Windows 3.1 and MSDOS applications. It is a multi-threaded system with pre-emptive multitasking for the 32-bit NT applications.

It uses a virtual memory system of 4Gbytes for each process. Of this, 2Gb is reserved for use by the O/S, and the remaining 2Gb for the process (and its threads). The process cannot access the O/S space except by switching to a different protection ring.

The O/S kernel is based on the micro-kernel Mach system (see later).

Each MSDOS application runs as a single thread in a 16M virtual address space. This is organised so that MSDOS occupies the lowest portion, sharing the bottom 640k with an MSDOS application. The device drivers are above the 16M boundary. Each MSDOS application looks like

The entire set of Windows 3.1 applications all run within one of these MSDOS virtual spaces. Each runs as a separate Windows NT thread.
Win32 on NT

A set of applications will look like
NT applications
The process scheduler for Windows NT is pre-emptive, so no thread can hog the system. The scheduler is a priority scheduler. However, Windows 3.1 threads are scheduled cooperatively amongst themselves.

Windows 95 Memory

The Windows 95 memory model is quite similar to Windows NT. Each MSDOS application executes as a thread within its own address space. All Windows 3.1 applications share the same address space. Each 32-bit application has its own address space. Each thread has 2G for its own use, and 2G used by the O/S

The primary difference between the memory models is the protection given to the system space within each processes address space. In Windows NT this can only be accessed by switching to supervisor mode. In Windows 95 this can be accessed by a simple function call without a switch. This is for speed. The space is actually occupied by system device drivers, Windows DLLs, and shared objects including nonsystem DLLs. So a Windows 95 application can still trash quite a lot of important stuff.

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Copyright © Jan Newmarch
Last modified: Wed Nov 19 18:35:07 EST 1997