System Software
Assignment 2
Semester 2, 1998

This assignment is due on Friday 30 October.


The Web uses ``pull'' technology, where the user actively makes choices about the content shown by the browser. ``Push'' technology is more like a television, where once switched on, the content is upto the sending party. This assignment is a simple push technology one where a series of quotes and sayings are displayed at regular intervals on your screen.

The quotes are generated by fortune, a character-mode program that prints one quote and exits. This can be run within a loop to generate a series of quotes. These can be displayed within a text viewer which is refreshed by each quote.


Write a multi-process program that will call fortune every ten seconds and show the output of each fortune cookie in an single window. fortune writes one quote to stdout and then exits. reads from stdin and adds each line read to the currently showing text. When a line containing the form feed character ctrl-L is sent, clears its display.

Language and O/S

You can write the assignment in either C or C++ or a mixture.

Jan Newmarch (
Last modified: Sun Nov 16 23:53:54 EST 1997
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch
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