Program Development using Unix
Assignment 1
Semester 2, 1998

This asignment is due on Friday, 18th September


In order to make sure that files are not lost through disk corruption, it is common practice to back them up. The typical method of just copying all files from one directory to another is slow, wasteful of space, and may not handle subdirectories. This assignment is to write a smarter backup than this.


The backup program should take two command line parameters which are the names of two directories: the source directory and the destination directory. The program should scan the source directory recursively, and backup any files that have not previously been backed up, or which have changed since last backup, into the corresponding location in the destination directory.

When a file is backed up, it is first copied to the destination directory (or a suitable subdirectory), and then compressed using the program gzip. This reduces its size, and renames it by adding the extension .gz.

If a file is modified, then its modification date will be more recent than the backup file with a .gz extension.


All errors should be handled appropriately. For example, if the source directory does not exist, the program should exit with an error message. If a file cannot be backed up because it is, say, unreadable, then a message should be printed and the program should carry on.

Language and O/S

You can write the assignment in either C or C++ or a mixture. The program will need to be able to find the sets of files in directories so will need to use Operating System specific calls. You should use at least the Unix system calls so that it will run under Unix. If you want, you can also have Win32 calls, and compile each separately using conditional compilation.

Jan Newmarch (
Last modified: Fri Aug 21 14:17:11 EST 1998
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch