Tutorial week 4

  1. A person has name (first and last, maybe a middle one) and an address (street, street number, postcode, etc). Define XML tags suitable to represent a person. An XML tutorial is at http://www.w3schools.com/xml/default.asp
  2. Write an XML DTD for the person type of question one An XML DTD tutorial is at http://www.xmlfiles.com/dtd/
  3. Write an XML Schema for the person type of question one An XML Schema tutorial is at http://www.w3schools.com/schema/default.asp
  4. Investigate JAXB as a way of translating an XML document to and from a Java object. Some notes on JAXB are at http://jan.newmarch.name/distjava/structdata/lecture2.html

Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Mon Jul 26 14:22:07 EST 2004
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch