Chapter 19: User Interfaces for Jini Services

19.1. User Interfaces as Entries

Interaction with a service is specified by its interface. This will be the same across all implementations of the interface. This doesn't allow any flexibility in using the service since a client will only know about the methods defined in the interface. The interface is the defining level for using this type of service. But services can be implemented in many different ways, and service implementations do in fact differ. There is a need to allow for this. The mechanism used in Jini is to put these differences in Entry objects. Typical objects supplied by vendors may include Name and ServiceInfo.

Clients can make use of the interface and these additional entry items, primarily in the selection of a service. But once they have the service, are they just constrained to use it via the type interface? The type interface is designed to allow a client application to use the service, in a programmatic way by calling methods. However, many services could probably benefit from some sort of user interface. For example, a printer may supply a method to print a file, but it may have the capability to print multiple copies of the same file. Rather than relying on the client to be smart enough to figure this out, the printer vendor may want to call attention to this by supplying a user-interface object with a special component for ``number of copies''.

The user interface for a service cannot expect to have all details supplied by the client - at best a client could only manage a fairly generic user interface. It should come from the vendor, or maybe even third parties. When your video player becomes Jini enabled, it would be a godsend for someone to supply a decent user interface for it, since the video player vendors seem generally incapable of doing so! The Entry objects are not just restricted to providing static data - as Java objects they are perfectly capable of running as user-interface objects.

User interfaces are not yet part of the Jini standard. But the Jini community (with a semi-formal organisation as the ``Jini Community'') is coming towards a standard way of specifying many things, including user-interface standards and guidelines. Guideline number one from the ``serviceUI'' group is: user interfaces for a service should be given in Entry objects.

19.2. User Interfaces from Factory Objects

In the chapter on ``More Complex Examples'' some discussion was given to the location of code, using user-interface components as examples. The chapter suggested that user interfaces should not be created on the server side but on the client side. So the user-interface should be exported as a factory object that can create the user-interface on the client side.

More arguments can be given to support this:

  1. A service exported from a low resource computer, such as an embedded Java engine may not have the classes on the service side needed to create the user-interface (it may not have the Swing or even the AWT libraries)
  2. There may be many potential user-interfaces for any particular service: the Palm Pilot (with small grey-scale screen) requires a different interface to a high-end workstation with huge screen and enormous numbers of colours. It is not reasonable to expect the service to create every one of these, but it could export factories capable of doing so
  3. Localisation of internationalised services cannot be done on the service side, only on the client side

The service should export zero or more user-interface factories, with methods to create the interface, such as getJFrame(). The service and its user-interface factory entry will both be retrieved by the client. The client will then create the user-interface. Note that the factory will not know the service object beforehand - if it was given one during its construction (on the service side) it would end up with a service-side copy of the service instead of a client-side copy! So when it is asked for a user-interface (on the client side), it should be passed the service as well in a parameter to user-interface creation. In fact, it should probably be passed all of the information about the service, as retrieved in the ServiceItem obtained from a lookup service.

A typical factory is the one that returns a JFrame. This is defined as

package net.jini.lookup.ui.factory;

import javax.swing.JFrame;

public interface JFrameFactory {
    String TOOLKIT = "javax.swing";
    String TYPE_NAME = "net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.JFrameFactory";

    JFrame getJFrame(Object roleObject);
The factory imports the minimum number of classes for the interface to compile and be exported. An implementation of this interface will probably use many more. The roleObject passes in any necessary information to the UI constructor. This is usually the ServiceItem, as this contains all the information (including the service) that was retrieved from a lookup service. The factory can then create a UI that acts as an interface to the service, and can use any additional information in the ServiceItem such as entries for ServiceInfo or ServiceType which could be shown, say, in an ``about'' box.

A factory that returns a visual component such as this should not make the component visible. This will allow its size and placement to be set before showing it. Similarly, a ``playable'' UI such as an audio file, should not be in a ``playing'' state.

19.3. Current Factories

A service may supply lots of these factories, each capable of creating a different user interface object. This is to allow for the differing capabilities of ``viewing'' devices, or even for different user preferences. One user may always like a Web-style interface, another may be content with an AWT interface, a third may want the accessibility mechanisms possible with a Swing interface, and so on.

The set of proposed factories currently includes

  1. DialogFactory which returns an instance of java.awt.Dialog (or one of its subclasses)
  2. FrameFactory which returns an instance of java.awt.Frame (or one of its subclasses)
  3. JComponentFactory which returns an instance of javax.swing.JComponent (or one of its subclasses such as a JList)
  4. JDialogFactory which returns an instance of javax.swing.JDialog (or one of its subclasses)
  5. JFrameFactory which returns an instance of javax.swing.JFrame (or one of its subclasses)
  6. PanelFactory which returns an instance of java.awt.Panel (or one of its subclasses)

These factories are all defined as interfaces. An implementation will define a getXXX() method that will return a user interface object. The current set of factories returns objects that belong to the Swing or AWT classes. Factories added in later iterations of the specification may return objects belonging to other user interface styles, such as speech objects. Although an interface may specify that a method such as getJFrame() will return a JFrame, an implementation will in fact return a subclass of this, which also implements a role interface.

19.4. Marshalling Factories

There may be many factories for a service, and each of them will generate a different user interface. These factories and their user interfaces will be different for each service. The standard factory interfaces will probably be known to both clients and services, but the actual implementations of these will only be known to services (or maybe to third-party vendors who add a user interface to a service).

If a client receives a ServiceItem containing entries with many factory implementation objects, it will need to download the class files for all of these, as it instantiates the entry objects. There is a strong chance that each factory may be bundled into a jar file that also contains the user interface objects themselves. So if the entries directly contain the factories, then the client will need to download a set of class files, before it even goes about the business of deciding which of the possible user interfaces it wants to select.

This downloading may take time on a slow connection, such as wireless or home network link. It may also cost memory which may be scarce in small devices such as PDA's. So it is advantageous to hide the actual factory classes until the client has decided that it does in fact want a particular class. Then, of course, it will have to download all of the class files needed by that factory.

In order to hide the factories, they are wrapped in a MarshalledObject. This keeps a representation of the factory, and also a reference to its codebase, so that when it is unwrapped the necessary classes can be located and downloaded. By putting it into entries in this form, no attempt is made to download its classes until it is unmarshalled.

The decision as to whether or not to unmarshall a class can be made on a separate piece of information, such as a set of String's which hold the names of the factory class (and all of its superclasses and interfaces). This level of indirection is a bit of a nuisance, but not too bad:

if (typeNames.contains("net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.JFrameFactory") {
    factory = (JFrameFactory) marshalledObject.get();
A client that does not want to use a JFrameFactory will just not perform this test, unmarshalling or attempted coercion. This does place a responsibility on service-side programmers to ensure this coercion will be correct. In effect, this is a manoeuvre to circumvent the type-safe model of Java purely for optimisation purposes.

There is one final wrinkle on loading the class files for a factory: a running JVM may have many class loaders. When loading the files for a factory, you want to make sure that the class loader is one that will actually download the class files across the network as required. The class loader associated with the service itself will be the most appropriate for this.

19.5. UIDescriptor

An entry for a factory must contain the factory itself hidden in a MarshalledObject and some string representation of the factory's class(es). It may need other descriptive information about the factory. The UIDescriptor captures all this

package net.jini.lookup.entry;

public class UIDescriptor extends AbstractEntry {

    public String role;
    public String toolkit;
    public Set attributes;
    public MarshalledObject factory;

    public UIDescriptor();
    public UIDescriptor(String role, String toolkit, 
                        Set attributes, MarshalledObject factory);

    public final Object getUIFactory(ClassLoader parentLoader)
           throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException;

There are several features in the UIDescriptor that we haven't mentioned yet, and the factory type appears to be missing (it is one of the attributes).

19.5.1 Toolkit

A user interface will typically require a particular package to be present or it will just not function. For example, a factory that creates a JFrame will require the javax.swing package. This can provide a quick filter on whether or not to accept a factory: if it is based on a package the client doesn't have, then it can just reject this factory.

This isn't a bullet-proof means of selection. For example, the Java Media Framework is a fixed-size package designed to handle lots of different media types. So if your user interface is a Quicktime movie, then you might specify the JMF package. However, the media types it handles are not fixed, and can depend on native code libraries. For example, the current Solaris version of the JMF package has a native code library to handle MPEG movies, which is not present in the Linux version. So having the package specified by the toolkit does not guarantee that the class files for this user interface will be present. It is primarily intended for narrowing lookups based on the UIs offered.

19.5.2 Role

There are many possible roles for a user-interface. The role is intended to cover this. This is specified as an interface, with one field role, which is the fully qualified path name of the interface. There are currently three interfaces:

  1. The net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI role. This role is for the standard user interface used by ordinary clients of the service
    package net.jini.lookup.ui;
    public interface MainUI {
        String ROLE = "net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI";
  2. The role net.jini.lookup.ui.AdminUI is for use by the service's administrator
    package net.jini.lookup.ui;
    public interface AdminUI {
        String ROLE = "net.jini.lookup.ui.AdminUI";
  3. net.jini.lookup.ui.AboutUI for information about the service, which is presentable by a user interface object
    package net.jini.lookup.ui;
    public interface AboutUI {
        String ROLE = "net.jini.lookup.ui.AboutUI";

A service will specify a role for each of the user interfaces it supplies. This role is given in a number of ways for different objects

  1. The role field in the UIDescriptor must be set to the string ROLE of the role interface
  2. The user interface indicates that it acts a role by implementing the particular role specified.
  3. The factory does not explicitly know about the role, but the factory contained in a UIDescriptor must produce a user interface implementing the role.
The service must ensure that the UIDescriptors it produces follows these rules. How it actually does so is not specified. There are several possibilities, such as
  1. When a factory is created, the role is passed in through a constructor. It can then use this role to cast the roleObject in the getXXX() method to the expected class (currently this is always a ServiceItem).
  2. There could be different factories for different roles, and the UIDescriptor should have the right factory for that role
The factory could perform some ``sanity'' checking if desired: since all roleObject's are (presently) the service items, it could search through these for the UIDescriptor, and then check that it's role matches what the factory expects.

There has been much discussion about ``flavours'' to roles, such as an ``expert'' role, or a ``learner'' role. This has been deferred as too complicated, at least for the first version of the specification.

19.5.3 Attributes

The attributes section of a UIDescriptor can carry any other information about the user interface object that is deemed useful. Currently this includes

  1. A UIFactoryTypes which contains a set of String's. This contains the strings for the fully qualified class names of the factory this entry contains. The current factory hierarchy is very shallow so this may be just a singleton set, such as
            Set attribs = new HashSet();
            Set typeNames = new HashSet();
            attribs.add(new UIFactoryTypes(typeNames));                             
    Note that a client is not usually interested in the actual type of the factory, but rather of the interface it implements. This is just like Jini services themselves, where we only need to know the methods that can be called, and are not concerned with the implementation details.
  2. An AccessibleUI object. Inclusion of this is a statement that the user interface implements javax.accessibility.Accessible and that the user interface would work well with assistive technologies
  3. A Locales object which specifies the locales supported by the user interface
  4. A RequiredPackages object which contains information about all of the packages that the user interface needs to run. This is not a guarantee that the user interface will actually run, nor a guarantee that it will be a usable interface! But it may help a client decide whether or not to use a particular user interface

19.6. File Classifier Example

The file classifier has been used throughout as a simple example of a service, to illustrate various features of Jini. We can use this here too, by supplying simple user interfaces into the service. Such a user interface would consist of a text field to enter a filename, and a display of the MIME type of the filename. There is only a ``main'' role for this service, as no administration needs to be performed.

Figure 19.1 shows what a user interface for a file classifer could look like.

Figure 19.1: FileClassifier user interface
After the service has been invoked it could pop up a dialog box as in figure 19.2
Figure 19.2: FileClassifier return dialog

A factory for the ``main'' role that will produce an AWT Frame is


package ui;

import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.FrameFactory;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.UIDescriptor;
import java.awt.Frame;
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;

public class FileClassifierFrameFactory implements FrameFactory {

     * Return a new FileClassifierFrame that implements the
     * MainUI role
    public Frame getFrame(Object roleObject) {
	// we should check to see what role we have to return
	if (! (roleObject instanceof ServiceItem)) {
	    // unkown role type object
	    // can we return null?
	    return null;
	ServiceItem item = (ServiceItem) roleObject;

	// Do sanity checking that the UIDescriptor has a MainUI role
	Entry[] entries = item.attributeSets;
	for (int n = 0; n < entries.length; n++) {
	    if (entries[n] instanceof UIDescriptor) {
		UIDescriptor desc = (UIDescriptor) entries[n];
		if (desc.role.equals(net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI.ROLE)) {
		    // Ok, we are in the MainUI role, so return a UI for that
		    Frame frame = new FileClassifierFrame(item, "File Classifier");
		    return frame;
	// couldn't find a role the factory can create
	return null;
} // FileClassifierFrameFactory

The user interface object that performs this role is


package ui;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
import common.MIMEType;
import common.FileClassifier;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

 * Object implementing MainUI for FileClassifier.
public class FileClassifierFrame extends Frame implements MainUI {
    ServiceItem item;
    TextField text;

    public FileClassifierFrame(ServiceItem item, String name) {

	Panel top = new Panel();
	Panel bottom = new Panel();
	add(top, BorderLayout.CENTER);
	add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
	top.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
	top.add(new Label("Filename"), BorderLayout.WEST);
	text = new TextField(20);
	top.add(text, BorderLayout.CENTER);

	bottom.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
	Button classify = new Button("Classify");
	Button quit = new Button("Quit");

	// listeners
	quit.addActionListener(new QuitListener());
	classify.addActionListener(new ClassifyListener());

	// We pack, but don't make it visible	

    class QuitListener implements ActionListener {
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {

    class ClassifyListener implements ActionListener {
	public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
	    String fileName = text.getText();
	    final Dialog dlg = new Dialog((Frame) text.getParent().getParent());
	    dlg.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
	    TextArea response = new TextArea(3, 20);

	    // invoke service
	    FileClassifier classifier = (FileClassifier) item.service;
	    MIMEType type = null;
	    try {
		type = classifier.getMIMEType(fileName);
		if (type == null) {
		    response.setText("The type of file " + fileName +
				     " is unknown");
		} else {
		    response.setText("The type of file " + fileName +
				     " is " + type.toString());
	    } catch(RemoteException e) {

	    Button ok = new Button("ok");
	    ok.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
		public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

	    dlg.add(response, BorderLayout.CENTER);
	    dlg.add(ok, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
	    dlg.setSize(300, 100);
} // FileClassifierFrame

The server which delivers both the service and the user interface has to prepare a UIDescriptor. In this case it only creates one such object for a single user interface, but if the server exported more interfaces then it would simply create more descriptors


package ui;

import complete.FileClassifierImpl;

import net.jini.lookup.JoinManager;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceID;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import net.jini.lookup.ServiceIDListener;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscoveryManager;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryEvent;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryListener;
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;

import net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.FrameFactory;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.UIDescriptor;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.attribute.UIFactoryTypes;

import java.rmi.MarshalledObject;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;

public class FileClassifierServer 
    implements ServiceIDListener {
    public static void main(String argv[]) {
	new FileClassifierServer();

        // stay around forever
	Object keepAlive = new Object();
	synchronized(keepAlive) {
	    try {
	    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
		// do nothing

    public FileClassifierServer() {

	JoinManager joinMgr = null;

	// The typenames for the factory
	Set typeNames = new HashSet();

	// The attributes set
	Set attribs = new HashSet();
	attribs.add(new UIFactoryTypes(typeNames));

	// The factory
	MarshalledObject factory = null;
	try {
	    factory = new MarshalledObject(new FileClassifierFrameFactory());
	} catch(Exception e) {
	UIDescriptor desc = new UIDescriptor(MainUI.ROLE,

	Entry[] entries = {desc};

	try {
	    LookupDiscoveryManager mgr = 
		new LookupDiscoveryManager(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS,
					   null /* unicast locators */,
					   null /* DiscoveryListener */);
	    joinMgr = new JoinManager(new FileClassifierImpl(), /* service */
				      entries /* attr sets */,
				      this /* ServiceIDListener*/,
				      mgr /* DiscoveryManagement */,
				      new LeaseRenewalManager());
	} catch(Exception e) {

    public void serviceIDNotify(ServiceID serviceID) {
	// called as a ServiceIDListener
	// Should save the id to permanent storage
	System.out.println("got service ID " + serviceID.toString());
} // FileClassifierServer

Finally, a client needs to look for and use this user interface. The client finds a service as usual, and then does a search through the Entry objects looking for a UIDescriptor. Once it has a descriptor it cab check if it meets the requirements of the client: here we shall check if it plays a MainUI role, and can generate an AWT Frame.

package client;

import common.FileClassifier;
import common.MIMEType;

import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceTemplate;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscoveryManager;
import net.jini.lookup.ServiceDiscoveryManager;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;

import net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.FrameFactory;
import net.jini.lookup.entry.UIDescriptor;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.attribute.UIFactoryTypes;

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Iterator;


public class TestFrameUI {

    private static final long WAITFOR = 100000L;

    public static void main(String argv[]) {
	new TestFrameUI();

        // stay around long enough to receive replies
        try {
        } catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
            // do nothing

    public TestFrameUI() {
	ServiceDiscoveryManager clientMgr = null;

	System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

        try {
            LookupDiscoveryManager mgr =
                new LookupDiscoveryManager(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS,
                                           null /* unicast locators */,
                                           null /* DiscoveryListener */);
	    clientMgr = new ServiceDiscoveryManager(mgr, 
						new LeaseRenewalManager());
	} catch(Exception e) {
	Class [] classes = new Class[] {FileClassifier.class};
	UIDescriptor desc = new UIDescriptor(MainUI.ROLE, 
					     null, null);
	Entry [] entries = {desc};

	ServiceTemplate template = new ServiceTemplate(null, classes, 

	ServiceItem item = null;
	try {
	    item = clientMgr.lookup(template, 
				    null, /* no filter */ 
				    WAITFOR /* timeout */);
	} catch(Exception e) {
	if (item == null) {
	    // couldn't find a service in time
	    System.out.println("no service");

	// We now have a service that plays the MainUI role and
	// uses the FrameFactory toolkit of "java.awt".
	// We now have to find if there is a UIDescriptor
	// with a Factory generating an AWT Frame

    private void checkUI(ServiceItem item) {
	// Find and check the UIDescriptor's
	Entry[] attributes = item.attributeSets;
	for (int m = 0; m < attributes.length; m++) {
	    Entry attr = attributes[m];
	    if (attr instanceof UIDescriptor) {
		// does it deliver an AWT Frame?
		checkForAWTFrame(item, (UIDescriptor) attr);
    private void checkForAWTFrame(ServiceItem item, UIDescriptor desc) {
	Set attributes = desc.attributes;
	Iterator iter = attributes.iterator();
	while (iter.hasNext()) {
	    // search through the attributes, to find a UIFactoryTypes
	    Object obj =;
	    if (obj instanceof UIFactoryTypes) {
		UIFactoryTypes types = (UIFactoryTypes) obj;
		// see if it produces an AWT Frame Factory
		if (types.isAssignableTo(FrameFactory.class)) {
		    FrameFactory factory = null;
		    try {
			factory = (FrameFactory) desc.getUIFactory(this.getClass().
		    } catch(Exception e) {

                    Frame frame = factory.getFrame(item); 

} // TestFrameUI

19.7. Images

User interfaces often contain images. They may be used as icons in toolbars, for general images on the screen, or for the icon image when the application is iconified. When a user interface is created on the client, these images will also need to be created and installed in the relevant part of the application. Images are not serializable, so they cannot be created on the server and exported as live objects in some manner. They need to be created from scratch on the client.

The Swing package contains a convenience class ImageIcon. This can be instantiated from a byte array, a filename, or most interestingly here, from a URL. So if an image is stored where an HTTP server can find it, then the ImageIcon constructor can use this directly. There may be failures in this: the URL may be incorrect or malformed, or the image may fail to exist on the HTTP server. Suitable code is

        ImageIcon icon = null;
	try {
	    icon = new ImageIcon(new URL("http://localhost/images/mindstorms.jpg"));
	    switch (icon.getImageLoadStatus()) {
	    case MediaTracker.ABORTED:
	    case MediaTracker.ERRORED:
		icon = null;
	    case MediaTracker.COMPLETE:
	    case MediaTracker.LOADING:
	} catch( e) {
	// icon is null or is a valid image

19.8. ServiceType

A user interface may use such code directly to include images. The service may also supply useful images and other human-oriented information in a ServiceType entry object.

package net.jini.lookup.entry;

public class ServiceType {
    public String getDisplayName();     // Return the localized display
                                        // name of this service.
    public Image getIcon(int iconKind)  // Get an icon for this service.
    public String getShortDescription() // Return a localized short
                                        // description of this service.
The class is supplied with empty implementations, returning null for each method. A service will need to supply a subclass with useful implementations of the methods. However, it is a useful class that could be used to supply images and information that may be common between a number of different user interfaces for a service, such as a minimised image.

19.9. MindStorms

19.9.1 RCXLoaderFrame

A MindStorms robot is primarily defined by the RCXPort interface. The Jini version is defined by the RCXPortImplementation interface:


package rcx.jini;

import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;

public interface RCXPortInterface extends {

     * constants to distinguish message types
    public final long ERROR_EVENT = 1;
    public final long MESSAGE_EVENT = 2;

     * Write an array of bytes that are RCX commands
     * to the remote RCX.
    public boolean write(byte[] byteCommand) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

     * Parse a string into a set of RCX command bytes
    public byte[] parseString(String command) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

     * Add a RemoteEvent listener to the RCX for messages and errors
    public void addListener(RemoteEventListener listener) 
	throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

     * The last message from the RCX
    public byte[] getMessage(long seqNo)
	throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

     * The error message from the RCX
    public String getError(long seqNo)
	throws java.rmi.RemoteException;

} // RCXPortInterface

This allows programs to be downloaded and run, and instructions to be sent for direct execution. As it stands, the client needs to call these interface methods directly. To make it more useable for the human trying to drive a robot, some sort of user interface would be useful.

There can be several general purpose user interfaces for the RCX robot, including:

  1. Enter machine code (somehow) and download that
  2. Enter RCX assembler code in the form of strings, assemble and download them
  3. Enter NQC (Not Quite C) code, compile and download it
The set of RCX classes by Laverde includes a standalone application called RCXLoader which does the second of these. We can steal code from this and some of his other classes, to define a class RCXLoaderFrame

package rcx.jini;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.util.*; 
import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;
import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEvent;
import net.jini.core.event.UnknownEventException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import rcx.*;

 * RCXLoaderFrame
 * @author Dario Laverde
 * @author Jan Newmarch
 * @version 1.1
 * Copyright 1999 Dario Laverde, under terms of GNU LGPL

public class RCXLoaderFrame extends Frame 
    implements ActionListener, WindowListener, RemoteEventListener
    private String      portName;
    private RCXPortInterface     rcxPort;
    private Panel       textPanel;
    private Panel       topPanel;
    private TextArea    textArea;
    private TextField   textField;
    private Button      tableButton;
    private Properties  parameters;
    private int inByte;
    private int charPerLine = 48;
    private int lenCount;
    private StringBuffer sbuffer;
    private byte[] byteArray;
    private Frame opcodeFrame;
    private TextArea opcodeTextArea;

    public static Hashtable Opcodes=new Hashtable(55);

    static {
        Opcodes.put(new Byte((byte)0x10),"PING            ,void, void,P");
        Opcodes.put(new Byte((byte)0x12),"GETVAL          ,byte src byte arg, short val,P");
        Opcodes.put(new Byte((byte)0x13),"SETMOTORPOWER   ,byte motors byte src byte arg, void,CP");
        Opcodes.put(new Byte((byte)0x14),"SETVAL          ,byte index byte src byte arg, void,CP");
	// Opcodes truncated to save space in listing

    // added port interface parameter to Dario's code
    public RCXLoaderFrame(RCXPortInterface port) {
    	super("RCX Loader");

	// changed from Dario's code    	
	rcxPort = port;

        topPanel  = new Panel();
        topPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

        tableButton = new Button("table");
        textField = new TextField();
        // textField.setEditable(false);
        // textField.setEnabled(false);
        // tableButton.setEnabled(false);

        textPanel = new Panel();
        textPanel.setLayout(new BorderLayout(5,5));        


        textArea = new TextArea();
        // textArea.setEditable(false);
        textArea.setFont(new Font("Courier",Font.PLAIN,12));

        add(textPanel, "Center");

        Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        // setVisible(true);

	// changed listener type from Dario's code
        try {
	    // We are remote to the object we are listening to 
	    // (the RCXPort), so the RCXPort must get a stub object
	    // for us. We have subclassed from Frame, not from
	    // UnicastRemoteObject. So we must export ourselves
	    // for the remote references to work
	} catch(Exception e) {
        if(rcxPort.isOpen()) {
            textArea.append("RCXPort initialized.\n");
            String lasterror = rcxPort.getLastError();
        else {
            if(portName!=null) {
                textArea.append("Failed to create RCXPort with "+portName+"\n");            
                textArea.append("Port "+portName+" is invalid or may be ");
                textArea.append("currently used.\nTry another port.\n");
                textArea.append("Edit or create a file named parameters.txt ");
                textArea.append("that has:\nport=COM1\n(replace COM1 with ");
                textArea.append("the correct port name)\n");
                textArea.append("Please specify a port in parameters.txt\n");
                textArea.append("Create a file that has:\nport=COM1\n");
                textArea.append("(replace COM1 with the correct port name)\n");

    public void receivedMessage(byte[] responseArray) {
        for(int loop=0;loop<responseArray.length;loop++) {       
            int newbyte = (int)responseArray[loop];
            if(newbyte<0) newbyte=256+newbyte;
            sbuffer = new StringBuffer(Integer.toHexString(newbyte));
            textArea.append(sbuffer+" ");
            if(lenCount==charPerLine) {

    public void receivedError(String error) {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        Object obj = evt.getSource();
        if(obj==textField) {
            String strInput = textField.getText();
            textArea.append("> "+strInput+"\n");
            try {
		byteArray = rcxPort.parseString(strInput);
	    } catch(RemoteException e) {
            // byteArray = RCXOpcode.parseString(strInput);
            if(byteArray==null) {
                textArea.append("Error: illegal hex character or length\n");
            if(rcxPort!=null) {
		try {
		    if(!rcxPort.write(byteArray)) {
			textArea.append("Error: writing data to port "+portName+"\n");
		} catch(Exception e) {
        else if(obj==tableButton) {
	    // make this all in the ui side

    public void windowActivated(WindowEvent e) { }
    public void windowClosed(WindowEvent e) { }
    public void windowDeactivated(WindowEvent e) { }
    public void windowDeiconified(WindowEvent e) { }
    public void windowIconified(WindowEvent e) { }
    public void windowOpened(WindowEvent e) { }
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {

    public void notify(RemoteEvent evt) throws UnknownEventException, 
                                                 java.rmi.RemoteException {
	long id = evt.getID();
	long seqNo = evt.getSequenceNumber();
	if (id == RCXPortInterface.MESSAGE_EVENT) {
	    byte[] message = rcxPort.getMessage(seqNo);
	    StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer();
	    for(int n = 0; n < message.length; n++) {       
		int newbyte = (int) message[n];
		if (newbyte < 0) {
		    newbyte += 256;
		sbuffer.append(Integer.toHexString(newbyte) + " ");
	    System.out.println("MESSAGE: " + sbuffer.toString());
	} else if (id == RCXPortInterface.ERROR_EVENT) {
	} else {
	    throw new UnknownEventException("Unknown message " + evt.getID());

    public void showTable()
        opcodeFrame = new Frame("RCX Opcodes Table");
        Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        opcodeTextArea = new TextArea("   Opcode          ,parameters, response, C=program command P=remote command\n",60,100);
        opcodeTextArea.setFont(new Font("Courier",Font.PLAIN,10));
        Enumeration k = Opcodes.keys();
        for (Enumeration e = Opcodes.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
            String tmp = Integer.toHexString(((Byte)k.nextElement()).intValue());
            tmp = tmp.substring(tmp.length()-2)+" "+(String)e.nextElement()+"\n";

19.9.2 RCXLoaderFrameFactory

The factory object for the RCX is now easy to define, it just returns a RCXLoaderFrame in the getUI() method:


package rcx.jini;

import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.FrameFactory;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
import java.awt.Frame;

public class RCXLoaderFrameFactory implements FrameFactory {
    public Frame getFrame(Object roleObj) {
	ServiceItem item= (ServiceItem) roleObj;
	RCXPortInterface port = (RCXPortInterface) item.service;
	return new RCXLoaderFrame(port);
} // RCXLoaderFrameFactory

19.9.3 Exporting the FrameFactory

The factory object is exported by making it a part of a UIDescriptor entry object with a role, toolkit and attributes

Set typeNames = new HashSet();

Set attribs = new HashSet();
attribs.add(new UIFactoryTypes(typeNames));
// add other attributes as desired

MarshalledObject factory = null;
try {
    factory = new MarshalledObject(new
} catch(Exception e) {

UIDescriptor desc = new UIDescriptor(MainUI.ROLE,
Entry[] entries = {desc};

JoinManager joinMgr = new JoinManager(impl,
				      new LeaseRenewalManager());

19.9.4 Customised User Interfaces

The RCXLoaderFrame is a general interface to any RCX robot. Of course, there could be many other such interfaces, differing in the classes used, the amount of internationalisation support, the appearance, etc. All the variations, however, will just use the standard RCXPortInterface, as that is all they know about.

The Lego pieces can be combined in a huge variety of ways, and the RCX itself is programmable. So you can build an RCX car, an RCX crane, an RCX maze-runner, and so on. Each different robot can be driven by the general interface, but most could benefit from a custom-built interface for that type of robot. This is typical: for example, every blender could be driven from a general blender user interface (using the - possibly - forthcoming standard blender interface :-). But the blenders from individual vendors would have their own customised user interface for their brand of blender.

I have been using an RCX car. While it can do lots of things, for demonstrations it has been convenient to use five commands: forward, stop, back, left and right, with a user interface of figure 19.3

Figure 19.3: User interface for MindStorms car
In the MindStorms chapter this appearance was hard-coded into the client - which really shouldn't know about this sort of detail.

19.9.5 CarJFrame

The CarJFrame class produces the user interface as a Swing JFrame, with the buttons generating specific RCX code for this model.

package rcx.jini;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;
import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEvent;
import net.jini.core.event.UnknownEventException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

class CarJFrame extends JFrame
    implements RemoteEventListener, ActionListener {

    public static final int STOPPED = 1;
    public static final int FORWARDS = 2;
    public static final int BACKWARDS = 4;

    protected int state = STOPPED;
    protected RCXPortInterface port = null;
    JFrame frame;
    JTextArea text;
    public CarJFrame(RCXPortInterface port) {
	super() ;
	this.port = port;
	frame = new JFrame("Lego MindStorms");
	Container content = frame.getContentPane();
	JLabel label = null;
	ImageIcon icon = null;
	try {
	    icon = new ImageIcon(new 
	    switch (icon.getImageLoadStatus()) {
	    case MediaTracker.ABORTED:
	    case MediaTracker.ERRORED:
		icon = null;
	    case MediaTracker.COMPLETE:
	    case MediaTracker.LOADING:
	} catch( e) {
	if (icon != null) {
	    label = new JLabel(icon);
	} else {
	    label = new JLabel("MINDSTORMS");

	JPanel pane = new JPanel();	    
	pane.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 3));
	content.add(label, "North");
	content.add(pane, "Center");
	JButton btn = new JButton("Forward");
	btn = new JButton("Stop");
	btn = new JButton("Back");
	btn = new JButton("Left");
	label = new JLabel("");
	btn = new JButton("Right");

    public void sendCommand(String comm) {
	byte[] command;
	try {
	    command = port.parseString(comm);
	    if (! port.write(command)) {
		System.err.println("command failed");
	} catch(RemoteException e) {

    public void forwards() {
	sendCommand("e1 85");
	sendCommand("21 85");
	state = FORWARDS;
    public void backwards() {
	sendCommand("e1 45");
	sendCommand("21 85");
	state = BACKWARDS;
    public void stop() {
	sendCommand("21 45");
	state = STOPPED;
    public void restoreState() {
	if (state == FORWARDS)
	else if (state == BACKWARDS)
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
	String name = evt.getActionCommand();
	byte[] command;
	if (name.equals("Forward")) {
	} else  if (name.equals("Stop")) {
	} else  if (name.equals("Back")) {
	} else  if (name.equals("Left")) {
	    sendCommand("e1 84");
	    sendCommand("21 84");
	    sendCommand("21 41");
	    try {
	    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
	} else  if (name.equals("Right")) {
	    sendCommand("e1 81");
	    sendCommand("21 81");
	    sendCommand("21 44");
	    try {
	    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
    public void notify(RemoteEvent evt) throws UnknownEventException, 
	java.rmi.RemoteException {
	// System.out.println(evt.toString());
	long id = evt.getID();
	long seqNo = evt.getSequenceNumber();
	if (id == RCXPortInterface.MESSAGE_EVENT) {
	    byte[] message = port.getMessage(seqNo);
	    StringBuffer sbuffer = new StringBuffer();
	    for(int n = 0; n < message.length; n++) {       
		int newbyte = (int) message[n];
		if (newbyte < 0) {
		    newbyte += 256;
		sbuffer.append(Integer.toHexString(newbyte) + " ");
	    System.out.println("MESSAGE: " + sbuffer.toString());
	} else if (id == RCXPortInterface.ERROR_EVENT) {
	    System.out.println("ERROR: " + port.getError(seqNo));
	} else {
	    throw new UnknownEventException("Unknown message " + evt.getID());

19.9.6 CarJFrameFactory

The factory generates a CarJFrame object


package rcx.jini;

import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.JFrameFactory;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

public class CarJFrameFactory implements JFrameFactory {
    public JFrame getJFrame(Object roleObj) {
	ServiceItem item  = (ServiceItem) roleObj;
	RCXPortInterface port = (RCXPortInterface) item.service;
	return new CarJFrame(port);
} // CarJFrameFactory

19.9.7 Exporting the FrameFactory

Both of the user interfaces discussed can be exported by expanding the set of Entry objects.

// generic UI
Set genericAttribs = new HashSet();
Set typeNames = new HashSet();
genericAttribs.add(new UIFactoryTypes(typeNames));
MarshalledObject genericFactory = null;
try {
    genericFactory = new MarshalledObject(new
} catch(Exception e) {
UIDescriptor genericDesc = new UIDescriptor(MainUI.ROLE,

// car UI
Set carAttribs = new HashSet();
typeNames = new HashSet();
carAttribs.add(new UIFactoryTypes(typeNames));
MarshalledObject carFactory = null;
try {
    carFactory = new MarshalledObject(new CarJFrameFactory());
} catch(Exception e) {
UIDescriptor carDesc = new UIDescriptor(MainUI.ROLE,

Entry[] entries = {genericDesc, carDesc};

JoinManager joinMgr = new JoinManager(impl,
				      new LeaseRenewalManager());

19.9.8 The RCX Client

The following client will start up all user interfaces that it understands

package client;

import rcx.jini.*;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

import java.rmi.RMISecurityManager;
import net.jini.discovery.LookupDiscovery;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryListener;
import net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryEvent;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceRegistrar;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceTemplate;
import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEventListener;
import net.jini.core.event.RemoteEvent;
import net.jini.core.event.UnknownEventException;
import java.rmi.server.UnicastRemoteObject;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
import net.jini.core.entry.Entry;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceMatches;
import net.jini.core.lookup.ServiceItem;

import net.jini.lookup.entry.UIDescriptor;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.MainUI;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.attribute.UIFactoryTypes;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.FrameFactory;
import net.jini.lookup.ui.factory.JFrameFactory;

import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Iterator;


public class TestRCX2 implements DiscoveryListener {

    public static void main(String argv[]) {
	new TestRCX2();

        // stay around long enough to receive replies
        try {
        } catch(java.lang.InterruptedException e) {
            // do nothing

    public TestRCX2() {
	System.setSecurityManager(new RMISecurityManager());

	LookupDiscovery discover = null;
        try {
            discover = new LookupDiscovery(LookupDiscovery.ALL_GROUPS);
        } catch(Exception e) {


    public void discovered(DiscoveryEvent evt) {

        ServiceRegistrar[] registrars = evt.getRegistrars();
	Class [] classes = new Class[] {RCXPortInterface.class};
	RCXPortInterface port = null;

	UIDescriptor desc = new UIDescriptor(MainUI.ROLE, null, null, null);
	Entry[] entries = {desc};
	ServiceTemplate template = new ServiceTemplate(null, classes, 
        for (int n = 0; n < registrars.length; n++) {
	    System.out.println("Service found");
            ServiceRegistrar registrar = registrars[n];
	    ServiceMatches matches = null;
	    try {
		matches = registrar.lookup(template, 10);
	    } catch(java.rmi.RemoteException e) {
	    for (int nn = 0; nn < matches.items.length; nn++) {
		ServiceItem item = matches.items[nn];
		port = (RCXPortInterface) item.service;
		if (port == null) {
		    System.out.println("port null");

		Entry[] attributes = item.attributeSets;
		for (int m = 0; m < attributes.length; m++) {
		    Entry attr = attributes[m];
		    if (attr instanceof UIDescriptor) {
			showUI(port, item, (UIDescriptor) attr);


    public void discarded(DiscoveryEvent evt) {
	// empty

    private void showUI(RCXPortInterface port,
			ServiceItem item,
			UIDescriptor desc) {
	Set attribs = desc.attributes;
	Iterator iter = attribs.iterator();
	while (iter.hasNext()) {
	    Object obj =;
	    if (obj instanceof UIFactoryTypes) {
		UIFactoryTypes types = (UIFactoryTypes) obj;
		Set typeNames = types.getTypeNames();
		if (typeNames.contains(FrameFactory.TYPE_NAME)) {
		    FrameFactory factory = null;
		    try {
			factory = (FrameFactory) desc.getUIFactory(this.getClass().
		    } catch(Exception e) {
		    Frame frame = factory.getFrame(item);
		} else if (typeNames.contains(JFrameFactory.TYPE_NAME)) {
		    JFrameFactory factory = null;
		    try {
			factory = (JFrameFactory) desc.getUIFactory(this.getClass().
		    } catch(Exception e) {
		    JFrame frame = factory.getJFrame(item);
	    } else {
		System.out.println("non-gui entry");
} // TestRCX

19.10. Summary

The ui-service group is evolving a standard mechanism for services to distribute user-interfaces for Jini services. The preference is to do this by entry objects.

If you found this chapter of value, the full book is available from APress or Amazon . There is a review of the book at Java Zone

This file is Copyright (©) 1999, 2000, 2001 by Jan Newmarch (

This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v0.4 or later (the latest version is presently available at Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard (paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained from the copyright holder.