Use cases, contracts, testing

Use case

The use case for Buy Items version 1 indentified system operations (p 139)


The contract for enterItem(upc, quantity) (page 155) was:
Preconditions Postconditions

Collaboration diagram

The collaboration diagram for enterItem (page 302) is

EnterItem contract

The contract for this method in POST is

     * @pre Post.isKnown(upc)
     * @post getSale().getLastLineItem().getQty() == qty
     * @post getSale().getLastLineItem().getSpecification().getUpc() == upc
    public void enterItem(int upc, int qty);


ProductSpecification contract

public class ProductSpecification {

     * @pre description != null
     * @post upc == getUpc()
     * @post description.equals(getDescription())
    public ProductSpecification(int upc, String description);

    public int getUpc();

    public String getDescription();

ProductSpecification implementation

public class ProductSpecification {

    private String description;
    private int upc;

     * @pre description != null
     * @post upc == getUpc()
     * @post description.equals(getDescription())
    public ProductSpecification(int upc, String description) {
	this.upc = upc;
	this.description = description;

    public int getUpc() {
	return upc;

    public String getDescription() {
	return description;

ProductSpecification tests

test test-1 {constructor} {
    set spec [java::new ProductSpecification 300 "some description"]
    set result [$spec getDescription]
} {some description}

test test-2 {constructor} {
    set spec [java::new ProductSpecification 300 "some description"]
    set result [$spec getUpc]
} {300}

ProductCatalog contract

public class ProductCatalog {

     * @pre isKnown(upc)
     * @post return.getUpc() == upc
    public ProductSpecification getSpecification(int upc);

    public boolean isKnown(int upc);

     * From manager use case
     * @pre ! isKnown(upc)
     * @post isKnown(upc)
     * @post getSpecification(upc).getUpc() == upc
     * @post getSpecification(upc).getDescription().equals(description)
    public void add(int upc, String description);

ProductCatalog implementation

import java.util.HashMap;

public class ProductCatalog {

    private HashMap specs = new HashMap();

     * @pre isKnown(upc)
     * @post return.getUpc() == upc
    public ProductSpecification getSpecification(int upc) {
	Integer Upc = new Integer(upc);
	return (ProductSpecification) specs.get(Upc);

    public boolean isKnown(int upc) {
	Integer Upc = new Integer(upc);
	return specs.containsKey(Upc);

     * From manager use case
     * @pre ! isKnown(upc)
     * @post isKnown(upc)
     * @post getSpecification(upc).getUpc() == upc
     * @post getSpecification(upc).getDescription().equals(description)
    public void add(int upc, String description) {
	ProductSpecification spec = new ProductSpecification(upc, description);
	specs.put(new Integer(upc), spec);

ProductCatalog tests

# add/isKnown

test test-1a {add boundary case, no products} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog isKnown 123
} {0}

test test-1b {add boundary case, 1 value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr
    $catalog isKnown 123
} {1}

test test-1c {add boundary case, 1st value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr1
    $catalog add 234 descr2
    $catalog add 345 desrc3
    $catalog isKnown 123
} {1}

test test-1d {add boundary case, 1st value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr1
    $catalog add 234 descr2
    $catalog add 345 desrc3
    $catalog isKnown 123
} {1}

test test-1e {add boundary case, last value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr1
    $catalog add 234 descr2
    $catalog add 345 desrc3
    $catalog isKnown 345
} {1}

test test-1f {add typical case, typical present value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr1
    $catalog add 234 descr2
    $catalog add 345 desrc3
    $catalog add 456 desrc4
    $catalog add 567 desrc5
    $catalog isKnown 345
} {1}

test test-1g {add typical case, typical missing value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr1
    $catalog add 234 descr2
    $catalog add 345 desrc3
    $catalog add 456 desrc4
    $catalog add 567 desrc5
    $catalog isKnown 876
} {0}

# add/getProductSpec

test test-2a {add boundary case, 1 value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr

    set spec [$catalog getSpecification 123]
    set upc [$spec getUpc]
    set descr [$spec getDescription]
    set result "$upc $descr" 
} {123 descr}

test test-2bb {add boundary case, 1st value} {
    set catalog [java::new ProductCatalog]
    $catalog add 123 descr1
    $catalog add 234 descr2
    $catalog add 345 desrc3

    set spec [$catalog getSpecification 123]
    set upc [$spec getUpc]
    set descr [$spec getDescription]
    set result "$upc $descr" 
} {123 descr1}

Jan Newmarch (
Last modified: Mon Sep 4 15:11:19 EST 2000
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch