Java CDC
Java2 Standard Edition
Java has been through versions 1.0-1.4
From Java 1.2 onwards, it is also called Java 2
It was originally designed for set-top boxes, but changed to
a general-purpose language due to a project deadline nearly
closing the Java project
There is "cruft" in Java - many obsolete classes
Java Standard Edition is large
The libraries occupy about 5M of disk
A typical Java application uses 50M+ of RAM,
although much of this is caused by e.g.
default stack size settings
So Java 2 is big and "old" (9 years since public release)
Limiting Java size
Java is a general purpose language, just like Windows and
Linux are general purpose Operating Systems
Just like Windows and Linux, Java can be reduced in size
This can be done by
Reducing virtual machine size and requirements -
the configuration
Choosing appropriate application requirements -
the profile
Profiles and Configurations
This sets out the different types of virtual machines and
their requirments
The Connected Device Configuration (CDC)
is for systems with a reasonable amount of memory: 2M+
The Connected, Limited Device Configuration (LCDC)
is for small devices from 160Kb upwards
The standard J2SE (Standard Edition) and J2EE (Enterprise
Edition) versions remain for large systems such as desktop
The configurations basically set out the memory constraints
of the system
CLDC for cellphones, two-way pagers, personal organisers,
home appliances, etc
CDC for emerging cellphones, point-of-sale terminals,
more expensive home appliances, automobile navigation
systems, etc
VM classes
The configuration says what the virtual machine can do and needs
An application needs to do more e.g. use I/O to communicate
with the user
A profile is added on top, to support a class of
applications e.g. small screen devices such as phones;
wireless connectivity for portable devices;
internet connectivity for fixed devices
The CDC Configuration
This defines what is needed to run a virtual machine in 2M+,
supporting all Java 2 language features
All basic data types: int, float, boolean, etc
Objects and classes
Garbage collection
Java 2 security
Some I/O
Some networking
Some internationalisation
reflection, serialisation, JVM debugger interface, weak references
CDC classes
- virtual machine classes
- some
- UDP, not TCP
- file I/O
- minimal I18n, for error messages
- minimal
The CVM is the virtual machine for the CDC configuration
It is written in C and uses all the techniques learnt in the
last 9 years of JVM technology
It requires about 1/2 the space of a traditional JVM, about
There is no GUI stuff - the AWT is gone, Swing is not included -
why should a JVM need a GUI?
Foundation profile
The CDC requires a set of classes to run the VM, but not all of of the
standard Java classes
The Foundation profile adds in most of the rest of the contents
of the packages for non-gui applications
- adds sockets and HTTP
- readers and writers
- code signing, certificates
All of the deprecated classes and methods are gone
e.g. the class
is gone
e.g. the method
is gone
Note that the AWT is not included, and neither are any of the
Relation of CDC to J2SE
There is just a general cleanup of J2SE classes
All Java 2 language features are present
A CDC/Foundation application will run under J2SE and J2EE,
but maybe not the other way
GUI classes are missing
Extension classes are missing (no Swing, either)
Future application-level profiles may add to these classes
Currently, there are lots of proposed
GUI classes for embedded applications, so standardisation may
take a long time
CDC Profiles
There are currently two profiles defined above the Foundation profile
Personal Basis Profile
The Personal Basis Profile is for network-connected devices supporting a
basic level of graphic presentation. It is suitable for the interactive
television market and contains many of the necessary APIs for support
of the Multimedia Home Platform (MHP)
Personal Profile
The Personal Profile, JSR-62, provides Java APIs for devices requiring
a high degree of network connectivity such as applications for the home
and office.
Personal Basis profile
The AWT has
general drawing classes and methods e.g.
general event generation and handling
and MouseListener
specific widgets such as
The Personal Basis Profile has the general classes, but not the specific
This allows any desired GUI to be built e.g. HAVi GUI objects,
Java TV GUI objects, etc
Personal Basis Profile classes
Personal profile
The Personal Profile replaces the Personal Java specification
The Personal profile basically adds in the rest of the AWT
It still leaves out deprecated classes and methods from the J2SE
It does not include the
Jan Newmarch <>
Last modified: Fri Dec 3 19:59:17 EST 2004
Copyright © Jan Newmarch, Monash University, 2007
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License
The moral right of Jan Newmarch to be identified as the author of this page has been asserted.