CPE5009 - Internet Devices and Services
Subject Handbook - Semester One 2005
Subject organisation
Each student attends one 2 hour lecture and one 2 hour tutorial per week.
There is no tutorial in week one.
This subject requires a significant amount of time to be spent outside the scheduled lectures and
Tutorial Attendance
Attendance at tutorials is NOT compulsory, however past experience has shown that those
students who do not attend tutorials, usually fail the subject. Exercises relating to each week's
material are set to help students achieve the educational objectives of this subject. Any
exercises not completed in tutorial time should be completed in the student's own time.
Lecture and Tutorial Staff
Lecturer: Jan Newmarch
Office: Peninsula G427 (Wed, Thu); Caulfield B3.55 (Mon, Tue, Fri)
Phone: 990 44249 (Peninsula), 990 32722 (Caulfield)
One semester of 13 weeks. Students attend one 2 hour lecture and one 2 hour tutorial per week.
An undergraduate qualification in computing or closely related
discipline is required. Previous knowledge of C and
Java programming is desired.
Students without appropriate programming skills are expected
to engage in extra private studies.
At the completion of this unit students will have
A detailed knowledge of device limitations and how to overcome
them to make internet devices
Understanding of various ways of connecting devices to the Internet
Knowledge of the various discovery protocols and understanding
the relationships between them in order to
determine which to apply in different circumstances
Understanding of the techniques used for communication between
services and clients
Experience with a range of internet services
Practical experience with building web services and clients
Detailed knowledge and experience with internet service
middleware such as Jini
Computer hardware
You are able to use your own PCs, but access to Monash computer labs
will also be available.
The Monash computers are dual-boot, either to Windows or to Linux.
Computer software
All teaching within this subject uses C and Java
as programming languages. You will need access to Java standard
edition version 1.3 or better, Java Micro-edition, Jini and
Cybergarage UPnP.
Subject Web Page
All course material is available for viewing and down-loading from the web page
address http://jan.newmarch.name/internetdevices/.
There is no recommended textbook.
Recommended Books
This list will be added to as the semester progresses.
The following reference books have been recommended for this subject:
Embedded Microprocessor Systems,
Stuart R Ball, Newnes Press
Embedded Linux, John Lombardo, New Riders Press
Wireless Java Programming with J2ME,
Yu Feng and Jun Zhu, SAMS
- A Programmers Guide to Jini, Jan Newmarch, APress
Assessable components
There will be one final examination (worth 50% of the total assessment), and
assignment work (worth 50% of the total assessment).
The assignment work is two programming assignments of equal weight.
To pass the subject you must obtain
at least 50% of the total marks given in the subject, and at least 50% of the total
marks given for the formal examination and at least 50% of the marks given for
the assignments.
Policy on Plagiarism
Students should consult University materials on cheating,
in particular:
- Statute 4.1 on Discipline at
- Student Resource Guide at
particularly the section on Cheating at
- Student Resource Guide - section on Student Rights
and Responsibilities at
- Faculty policy at
It is the student's
responsibility to make themselves familiar with the
contents of these
Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Fri Feb 18 10:44:23 EST 2005
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch
Copyright © Jan Newmarch, Monash University, 2007
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License
The moral right of Jan Newmarch to be identified as the author of this page has been asserted.