Matching must be done using this string
Matching could then be done using patterns e.g.
type: printers/postscript/HP20
speed: 24ppm
colour: yes
Matching could then be done in a type-safe manner, by
class or superclass
service: HP20.class
attribute: new Speed(20)
attribute: new HasColour(true)
Registry::RegisterElement(in SEID seid,
in sequence<Attribute> table)
Registry::GetElement(in SimpleQuery, out sequence<SEID> seidList)
Registry::MultipleGetElement(in ComplexQuery query, out sequence<SEID;gt; seidList)
struct SimpleQuery {
AttributeName attr;
sequence compareValue;
CompOperation compareOp;
tag=value, tag=value, ...
"volume=5, channel=SBS"
<scope="Bldg B, Bldg C">
(& (queue_length < 4) (ppm > 20))
would be described as node
<country = au>
<org-type = edu>
<organisation = monash>
<server = www>
tag = value
of types
integer, string, boolean, sequence, etc