Tutorial week 2

  1. How many timezones are there in Australia? How many of these have daylight saving, and when do they start and stop? Devise an algorithm to calculate the current time given the time in Greenwich, England and your current location. What about the Australian base in the Antarctic?
  2. One inch is 2.54 centimetre (international standard). How many inches are there in one centimetre? What is a reasonable way of presenting say the conversion of 30 centimetres to inches?
  3. Tagalog is spoken by about 60 million people. Which countries is it spoken in? Does it have an alphabet? Does it have vowels? Does it have upper case and lower case? See http://www.omniglot.com
  4. Cantonese is the major language in Hong Kong. What are some of the differences between Mandarin and Cantonese? How many different languages are spoken in China?
  5. "Singlish" is gthe dialect of English that is evolving in Singapore. What are some of the additional words it has borrowed from other languages?

Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Sun Mar 6 11:17:33 EST 2005
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch
Copyright © Jan Newmarch, Monash University, 2007
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