CPE 5020 Mock Exam

  1. There are many different character sets in use. Choose three of them and discuss their advantages and disadvantages
  2. The only commonly recognised Australian locale is en_AU. What are some of the problems with this?
  3. Write an input method using the Input Method Framework that will convert "special" HTML characters such as '<' and '>' to their escaped form '&lt;' and '&gt' and pass through all other characters unchanged
  4. Write an algorithm in structured english to compare two ASCII characters (greater, equal or less). The comparison should order them so that 'a' < 'A' < 'b' i.e. in dictionary order rather than ASCII order. Then write an algorithm in structured english to compare two ASCII strings
  5. Write a method in Java that takes a GraphicsContext and a string and uses the context's FontMetrics to return a rectangle that will contain the string if it is drawn

Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Sun Jun 12 19:34:11 EST 2005
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