This assignment adapts the first assignment to the Web environment. Instead of a standalone application, this assignment uses a standard Web browser such as Firefox, IE or Opera to display localised text.
This assignment internationalises basic data entry forms about a product and an order form for the product.
This assignment has graded levels. The simplest version will be given a Pass if done satisfactorily, but to gain higher grades more features will have to be added.
You will need to implement an HTTP server backend that can present localised forms to collect and display information. The forms will need to have
You should hand in the following
You will be asked to demonstrate your system. This will be in the tutorial following the week of submission.
General comments:
As described above
The specification given above will gain a Pass grade if done satisfactorily. Higher grades will be given on completion of additional functionality. Each additional function will gain an extra grade (to a maximum of HD). The additional functions are
Much s/w imposes "hard" limits on inputs. For example, only allowing two characters for the value of "State" (since the US has states which only have two characters in their abbreviations: CA, NY, VI, etc). Make all entry fields have a "default" format, but allow the user to enter other formats if they really want to (after appropriate information messages)
Use server-side negotiation to deliver appropriate locales, with a fallback locale if the server cannot handle any of the user's preferences
Implement the pages using multiple technologies e.g. if you used servlets, then an extension could use JSP (and vide versa); if you used multiple pages, use a servlet
Use a servlet forwarding to a JSP
The final level will be the sum of all extensions.
There are other possible extensions which may be worth exploring, Discuss any ideas you have with your lecturer.
This assignment (and the next one) may be done individually or in groups of two. An individual assignment will need to cover as much ground as an assignment done by two people. Requests to form a group of three or more will not be accepted, even if your partner disappears the day before the assignment is due, having done no work.
The assignment is due by noon, Friday June 3, the end of week 13. Unofficially, they will be accepted upto noon on Monday June 6. Hand it in to the SCSSE office, level 4 building C