

Sources of ethics

Ethics comes from religion?

Ethics is only relative?

Ethics is defined by law?

Ethics is defined by self-interest?

Professional ethics

ACS Code of ethics

From ACS Code of Ethics :
"You must uphold and advance the honour, dignity and effectiveness of being a professional. This entails, in addition to being a good citizen and acting within the law, your adherence to the following Society values:

The primacy of the public interest
You will place the interests of the public above those of personal, business or sectional interests
The enhancement of the quality of ife
You will strive to enhance the quality of life of those affected by your work
You will be honest in your representation of skills, knowledge, services and products
You will work competently and diligently for your stakeholders
Professional development
You will enhance your own professional development, and that of your colleagues and staff
You will enhance the integrity of the Society and the respect of its members for each other

SANS code of ethics

SANS (SysAdmin, Audit, Networking, and Security) includes

Some aspects if IT ethics

Ethical theories

Over the last 2,000 years many ethical theories have been developed (Wikipedia: Ethical theories)

"pleasure is the only intrinsic good"
"an action is right if it maximizes good for the self"
"an action is right if it leads to the most happiness for the greatest number of people"
Kantian ethics
"the only intrinsically good thing is a good will"

Some questions

Internet Censorship

Protection of property

History of copyright (Wikipedia)

History of patent (Wikipedia)

Typical copyright

A typical copyright statement forbids you from doing lots of things. Some generous ones are:

Smart phone patent wars


Patent trolls
