Tutorial Exercises Week 8

  1. Create a user who can/cannot use sudo

  2. Remove the user and all their files

  3. What do file permissions mean for a directory?

  4. Produce a list of all users on your system

  5. Produce a list of all users on your system who can log in. What mechanism would you use to check if new login names have been added in the last 24 hours (e.g. by a hacker)?

  6. What do the commands last and lastlog do? What is the difference? What files do they use for their information?

  7. What do the ccommands who and whoami do?

  8. How do you use sudo to become root for a shell session?

  9. How do you enable password aging? Is this a good idea?

  10. How do you check for unsuccessful login attempts e.g. attempts to break into your system?