The Bourne shell was creeated early in Unix's history. It gave a command line environment that is heavily used throughout Unix and Linux. It also gave rise to the Obfuscated C contest.
From the
Q: How did the IOCCC [Obfuscated C competition] get started?
A: One day (23 March 1984 to be exact), back Larry Bassel and I (Landon Curt Noll) were working for National Semiconductor's Genix porting group, we were both in our offices trying to fix some very broken code. Larry had been trying to fix a bug in the classic Bourne shell (C code #defined to death to sort of look like Algol) and I had been working on the finger program from early BSD (a bug ridden finger implementation to be sure). We happened to both wander (at the same time) out to the hallway in Building 7C to clear our heads. We began to compare notes: ''You won't believe the code I am trying to fix''. And: ''Well you cannot imagine the brain damage level of the code I'm trying to fix''. As well as: ''It more than bad code, the author really had to try to make it this bad!''.
"This program is a steganography application for embedding an image or text
into another image as well as extracting the embedded image or text back.
The program stores the embedded image or text in the low bits of the RGB
The Bourne shell has been re-written in several different versions: zsh, ksh, ash, ... We will use the Bourne Again Shell - bash
A shell script is a file containing a sequence of commands. It doesn't need a special filename extension. The first line says which shell to run
#!/bin/bash echo Welcome to a shell script cd echo Home directory has files ls
If the script is called e.g. my_script
it under a new shell process by
bash my_scriptor change its mode to executable and run it directly
echo Change its mode once chmod a+x my_script my_script my_script
To run the script within the current shell, use '.':
. my_script(This is usually used to include shell functions into a shell script - see later)
A script to see current date, time, username, and current directory:
#!/bin/bash date whoami pwd
ls rm mv cp cd pwd mkdir rmdir echo grep sed basename wc test
Every programming language has some notion of variables to store and retrieve values. They can be typed or untyped. They may or may not need to be declared. They may or may not need to be initialised. You may or may not be allowed to change the type stored.
Variable in the Unix shells
To assign a shell variable use '=' with no spaces
x=1 # ok xyz="some text" # ok x =1 # no - has a space x= 1 # no - has a space
To access the value of a variable, prefix it with a '$'
x=1 y=$x echo Values of x and y are $x, $y
You can see all the variables defined in the current shell by
setMany of these variables are set by
when it runs,
(see "man bash")
Values of variables by default are not seen in subshells
x=1 echo $x #should have printed '1' bash echo $x # should have printed blank line
The environment contains all the "global" variables. These are shown by the command
envExported variables are visible in subshells.
You can add to the environment by the command export
x=1 export x export y=2
A one-off mechanism can add to the environment for one command:
x="local export" bash echo $x # should have printed local export
You can print all current environment variables with the command
. You see less than with set
it only includes the variables in the environment, and not the
other non-environment variables set by the shell (or yourself).
Major variables are
: your home directory
: who you are
: the current directory of this shell
: previous directory (so cd -
: hostname of your computer
: Prompt string one, the major shell prompt.
You can set this to display interesting info such as
hostname (\h), current directory (\w) etc (see "man bash")
: a ':' separated list of directories where
commands are searched for e.g.
Motivation: you may set
my_music="My Music"and then want to change to that directory
cd $my_musicbreaks as it expands to
cd My Music
and the directory
"My" doesn't exist. You need to quote it:
cd "$my_music"
Interpretation of a single character is turned off by prefixing it with a backslash `\' as in
echo the amount is \$20To echo a `\' itself, use \\.
Enclosing something in single quotes '...' turns off all interpretation, including interpretation of $, * and \.
Enclosing something in double quotes "..." allows $variable substitution but no other.
echo The cost is $20 echo The cost is \$20 echo "The cost is $20" echo 'The cost is $20'
Valid characters in variable names are alphanumerics and '_'.
An expression like $x.txt
is unambiguously the value
of x
followed by ".txt". Sometimes you might need
other text and need to disambiguate the variable from the text:
If you have an un-assigned variable then its value is "".
If you want a default value, then use ${x:-default}
unset x echo ${x:-bummer}
If you want to replace some text in the value of a variable (e.g. a file extension) then substitute it
x=abcd.txt echo ${x/.txt/.doc}
command > filesaves the output from the command into the file
command < filetakes the input to the command from the file
command >> fileappends the output to the file
command | commandmakes the output from the first command into the input to the second. This is called a pipeline, and may have any number of commands in it
ls > tmpsaves ls output in tmp
ls -l >> tmpappends long listing to this
ls | wc -lcounts the number of files in the current directory
ls -t | head -1shows the oldest file in the current directory
ls -t | tail -1shows the newest file in the current directory
ls -S | sed 1qshows the largest file in the current directory
ls -l |sort -n -k 5 | sed 's/.* //' | tail -1shows the largest file in the current directory
man cp | lprsends the man page for cp to the printer
tr '\040\010' '\012\012' < file | sort | uniqproduces an alphabetic listing of words in `file' (assuming words separated by spaces).
Each Unix process normally opens three "files": standard input (stdin), standard output (stdout) and error output (stderr). Unix keeps track of open files through a table of "file descriptors" which is an array numbered from zero upwards.
File descriptor 0 is stdin.
File descriptor 1 is stdout.
File descriptor 2 is stderr.
You can control the output of stdout and stderr separately by using the file descriptor
rm file 2> /tmp/errorssaves error messages in /dev/errors
rm file 2> /dev/nulldiscards error messages
This is very obscure: if you want stdout and stderr to be saved to the same file:
ls > tmp 2>&1
If you have a pipeline, it links stdout of one process to stdin of the next one. stderr goes to the console. If you want stderr to go down the same pipeline, use the same trick
ls 2>&1 | ...
Sometimes you know what the input to a program should be, and want to hard-code into your shell script.
wc <<END hard-coded text to be the input to the wc command END
Store today's date in a variable
TODAY=`date` echo $TODAY
How big is the binary for bash?
ls -l `which bash` ls -l `which bash` | cut -d ' ' -f 5
Create every file listed in the file list_of_files
touch `cat list_of_files`
And remove them all
rm `cat list_of_files`
An alternative notation is "$(...)"
rm $(cat list_of_files)
A shell script/batch file is a file containing commands to execute. You run the script by calling bash, or by making it executable and running it (see last week).
A command can be run with parameters
#!/bin/bash echo the number of parameters is $# echo name of this script is $0 echo the first parameter is $1 echo the string of all parameters is $* ($1 $2 $3...) echo the strings of all parameters ae $@Save this as e.g. param_test and run by
param_test a bcd efg
The shift
command drops off $1 renames $2 as $1,
$3 as $2, etc
#!/bin/bash echo the number of parameters is $# echo name of this script is $0 echo the string of all parameters is $* shift echo After shift... echo the number of parameters is $# echo name of this script is $0 echo the string of all parameters is $*
x=2 y=`expr $x + 2`bash also allows you to do arithmetic using the let command
x=3 let y=$x+4
ls; echo "files listed"
for vbl [in values] do commands... doneNB: the words ``for'', ``do'', ``done'' must be the first words on the line. The commands can be any set of commands.
for i in a b c do echo $i done
An alternative form uses ';' sequencing
for i in a b c; do echo $i; done
for i in `ls ~/..` do echo "A user is $i" doneA common case is to loop through all the command line arguments (positional parameters).
for i in $* do echo "an arg was $i" doneA shorthand for this is to omit the
in $*
for i do echo "an arg was $i" done
For loops can be nested
for i in a b c do for j in 1 2 3 4 do echo $i $j done done
Every command succeeds or fails. eg.
. may succeed at removing a file, or
may fail to remove another file because of permission problems. An exit code
holds this value.
The exit code is not visible. The exit code of the last command is stored in the shell variable ``?''. A value of zero stands for success, anything else for failure.
cd /tmp echo > tmp$$ rm tmp$$ echo "Exit code of ok rm is $?" rm tmp$$ echo "Exit code of failed rm is $?"Generally, the exit code is not documented anywhere. The commands ``test'' and ``expr'' are the best documented, because they are often used in Boolean expressions.
Test is used to give boolean values/exit codes for common file tests:
test -e file
test if file
test -x file
test if file
is executable
test -d file
test if file
exists and is a directory
test -f file
test if file
exists and is a regular file
test -r file
test if file
exists and is readable
test -w file
test if file
exists and is writable
An alternative notation is [ ... ]
[ -f file ]Note spaces around ' [ ' and ' ] '
Test can also be used for simple string tests and numeric tests
test -n str
tests if str
has non-zero length
test -z str
tests if str
has zero length
test str1 = str2
tests if strings are equal (note spaces)
test n1 -le n2
tests if integer n1
less than or equal to n2
while commands do commands doneThe list of commands in the Boolean part is executed each time round the loop. Usually this list is just one command, but it may be a pipeline. The exit code of the last command in this list is used as the Boolean value. If it is True (exit code zero), the commands in the body are executed.
i=1 while test $i -le 20 do echo $i let i=$i+1 done
Print the pattern
1 22 333 4444 55555Script is
n=1 while [ $n -le 5 ] do m=1 while [ $m -le $n ] do echo -n $n let m=$m+1 done echo let n=$n+1 doneI/O can be redirected from an entire while loop:
ls | while read file do echo "A file is $file" done
if commands then commands fiwith variations such as
if commands then commands else commands fi
if [ $# -lt 2 ] then echo "Usage: $0 files..." exit 1 fiIf a command requires that a file given as command line parameter iis readable
if [ -r "$1"] then echo $1 is readable fi
Report on file types
for f in * do if [ -r $f ] then echo $f is readable fi if [ -d $f ] then echo $f is a directory elif [ -f $f ] then echo $f is an ordinary file if [ -s $f ] then echo $f has non-zero size fi fi done
case value in pattern) commands;; ... pattern) commands;; esacThe value is some string or integer. The patterns the use shell globbing mechanism of * and ?. The matches of value to pattern take place strictly top-to-bottom, and the first match is used.
case $x in ?) echo has one character;; ??) echo has two characters;; *) echo has more than two characters;; esac
A simple menu:
echo "Enter a single letter d date p print working directory" while read ch do case $ch in d) date;; p) pwd;; *) echo Illegal command;; esac done
grep ("global regular expression print") finds lines in a file that match an expression and prints them
grep root /etc/passwd
Short for "stream editor" allows you to write tiny programs that edit a piece of text or a text file. It can read the text either from a file
sed ... fileor have text sent to its standard input
echo ... | sed ...Simple substitution is done by
Chage the first 'a' to 'A' on each line
echo "a small piece of text" | sed 's/a/A/'Works on multiple lines
echo "a and another a" | sed 's/a/A/'Changes all 'a's to 'A' on each and every line
echo "a small piece of a text" | sed 's/a/A/g'
Deleting a piece of text is often done by substituting it by nothing
echo "a small piece of text" | sed 's/a//'
Patterns are often used
Delete from the first space to the end of the line
echo "text with several spaces" | sed 's/ .*//'
#!/bin/bash if [ $# -lt 1 ] then echo Usage $0 java file exit 1 fi sourcefile=$1 javac $sourcefile execfile=`basename $sourcefile .java` n=1 while test -f input$n do java $execfile <input$n > output$n if cmp output$n result$n then echo Test $n passed else echo Test $n failed fi let n=$n+1 done
sum=0 while read x do let sum=$sum+$x done echo "The sum was $sum"
ifconfig | grep 'inet addr' |
while read line
addr=`echo "$line" | sed -e 's/.*inet addr://' -e 's/ .*//'`
echo $addr
script=$0 command=$1 for f in * do if [ -d $f ] then cd $f $script $command cd .. else $command $f fi done
Services may need to be stopped, paused or restarted. To do this, the process id is required. Most services store their process ids in files in /var/run/ as <service-name>.pid. This script will find the process ids of all services that are running:
for service_pid in `ls /var/run/*.pid` /var/run/*/*.pid
service=`echo $service_pid | sed -e 's/.*\///' -e 's/.pid//'`
echo "Service $service has PID " `cat $service_pid 2> /dev/null`
From the startup script for Apache under Ubuntu, checking that that you have Apache setup
[ ! -f /etc/apache2 ] && echo "Apache not installed" && exit 1 if [ `ls -1 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/ | wc -l | sed -e 's/ *//;'` -eq 0 ] then echo "You haven't enabled any sites yet, so I'm not starting apache2." echo "To add and enable a host, use addhost and enhost." exit 0 fi echo Apache sites installed