ICT213 Multi-user Operating Systems Administration

Assignment Two
Semester 1, 2015

Linux gateway

This task involves setting up a Linux box as a gateway between two networks. A computer can be set up in N1.158 with two ethernet cards. One side can be connected to an "external" network of one PC. The other side will be connected to a "local network" of another PC. Alternatively, you can use three (or more) virtual machines. The gateway will need to be set up to

  1. Forward packets in both directions between local and external network
  2. Run a Webmin server on port 10000
  3. Run an HTTP server on the gateway
  4. Run an SSH server
  5. Run a DNS server for the internal hosts
  6. Run a DHCP server for the internal hosts
  7. Run a firewall applying the following rules
    1. Allow HTTP requests from inside to outside, and reponses from outside to inside
    2. Run a Webmin server on port 10000 visible from both inside and outside
    3. Run an SSH server visible from both inside and outside
    4. No other TCP or UDP requests from inside to outside
    5. No TCP or UDP requests from outside to inside

Group size

This assignment (and the next one) must be done individually.

Due date

The assignment is due by midnight, Sunday 31 May.


Submit a soft copy using Student Web. The submission should include the following

  1. A screen dump of successful ping's between local and external network. The screen dump should also show the date (by runing the command date)
  2. A screen dump or listing of the firewall rules
  3. A screen dump of a page loaded from the server, and also the results of a telnet request on the HTTP port of "HEAD / HTTP/1.0"
  4. The DNS server rules and also output from dig requesting resolution of a name
  5. The DHCP server log

Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)

Copyright ©Jan Newmarch