EGL provides a base for graphics programming, common to many systems such as OpenCL, OpenGL, OpenGL ES or OpenVG



From the EGL specification "EGL [is] an interface between rendering APIs such as OpenCL, OpenGL, OpenGL ES or OpenVG (referred to collectively as client APIs) and one or more underlying platforms (typically window systems such as X11)". It is not intended that application programmers write directly to EGL, instead they should use one of the APIs such as OpenGL.

Each underlying platform will have a means of rendering EGL surfaces. In this chapter we need to look at how EGL surfaces are linked to Wayland surfaces and how windows are built. We won't actually draw into any windows, because that is best done using e.g. OpenGL. That will be done in a later chapter.

Why EGL? From the Wayland FAQ : " EGL is the only GL binding API that lets us avoid dependencies on existing window systems, in particular X. GLX obviously pulls in X dependencies and only lets us set up GL on X drawables. The alternative is to write a Wayland specific GL binding API, say, WaylandGL. A more subtle point is that includes the GLX symbols, so linking to that library will pull in all the X dependencies. This means that we can't link to full GL without pulling in the client side of X, so we're using GLES2 for now. Longer term, we'll need a way to use full GL under Wayland. "

EGL and openGLES 2 can be installed by

	  dnf info mesa-libGLES-devel # Fedora

Initialising EGL

EGL has a display that it writes on. The display is built on a native display, and is obtained by the call eglGetDisplay. The EGL platform is then initialised using eglInitialize.

Typically an EGL display will support a number of configurations. For example, a pixel may be 16 bits (5 red, 5 blue and 6 green), 24 bits (8 red, 8 green and 8 blue) or 32 bits (8 extra bits for alpha transparency). An application will specify certain parameters such as the minimum size of a red pixel, and can then access the array of matching configurations using eglChooseConfig. The attributes of a configuration can be queried using eglGetConfigAttrib. One configuration should be chosen before proceeding.

Each configuration will support one or more client APIs such as OpenGL. The API is usually requested through the configuration attribute EGL_RENDERABLE_TYPE which should have a value such as EGL_OPENGL_ES2_BIT.

In addition to a configuration, each application needs one or more contexts. Each context defines a level of the API that will be used for rendering. Examples typically use a level of 2, and a context is created using eglCreateContext.

Typical code to perform these steps is

init_egl() {
    EGLint major, minor, count, n, size;
    EGLConfig *configs;
    int i;
    EGLint config_attribs[] = {

    static const EGLint context_attribs[] = {

    egl_display = eglGetDisplay((EGLNativeDisplayType) display);
    if (egl_display == EGL_NO_DISPLAY) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't create egl display\n");
    } else {
	fprintf(stderr, "Created egl display\n");

    if (eglInitialize(egl_display, &major, &minor) != EGL_TRUE) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Can't initialise egl display\n");
    printf("EGL major: %d, minor %d\n", major, minor);

    eglGetConfigs(egl_display, NULL, 0, &count);
    printf("EGL has %d configs\n", count);

    configs = calloc(count, sizeof *configs);
    eglChooseConfig(egl_display, config_attribs,
			  configs, count, &n);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
			   configs[i], EGL_BUFFER_SIZE, &size);
	printf("Buffer size for config %d is %d\n", i, size);
			   configs[i], EGL_RED_SIZE, &size);
	printf("Red size for config %d is %d\n", i, size);
	// just choose the first one
	egl_conf = configs[i];

    egl_context =
			 EGL_NO_CONTEXT, context_attribs);



Creating an EGL drawing surface

An EGL window needs to be created from a Wayland surface, by the Wayland call wl_egl_window_create. This is then turned into an EGL drawing surface by the EGL call eglCreateWindowSurface. Drawing into this surface is generally done by an API such as OpenGL, and the choice of this has been set in the egl_context. This is set for the drawing surfaces by eglMakeCurrent.

Following this, drawing can take place. For now, we don't draw but leave some simple drawing code in place but commented out.

Once drawing is complete, the EGL layer renders the surface by swapping the drawing buffer using eglSwapBuffers.

This code looks like

create_window() {

    egl_window = wl_egl_window_create(surface,
                              480, 360);
    if (egl_window == EGL_NO_SURFACE) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Can't create egl window\n");
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Created egl window\n");

    egl_surface =
                               egl_window, NULL);

    if (eglMakeCurrent(egl_display, egl_surface,
                       egl_surface, egl_context)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Made current\n");
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Made current failed\n");

    glClearColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    if (eglSwapBuffers(egl_display, egl_surface)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Swapped buffers\n");
    } else {
        fprintf(stderr, "Swapped buffers failed\n");


Adding an opaque region

In this instance we aren't drawing anything. So we won't see any windows. For this chapter only we can fix that by adding an opaque region to the surface by

create_opaque_region() {
    region = wl_compositor_create_region(compositor);
    wl_region_add(region, 0, 0,
    wl_surface_set_opaque_region(surface, region);

With no drawing into this, it will probably show up as a black rectangle.

Final code

The code at the end of this chapter is window.c


An image of it running is an unexciting black rectangle:

Black window
Black window
If you want to make it more colourful, uncomment out the GL calls.

List of Wayland EGL calls