CPE3007 - Program Development using UNIX
Subject Handbook - Semester One 2003
Subject organisation
Each student attends one 3 hour lecture and one 2 hour tutorial per week. Each tutorial has a
maximum of 20 students, thus lending itself to a high level of interaction.
This subject requires a significant amount of time to be spent outside the scheduled lectures and
Tutorial Attendance
Attendance at tutorials is NOT compulsory, however past experience has shown that those
students who do not attend tutorials, usually fail the subject. Exercises relating to each week's
material are set to help students achieve the educational objectives of this subject. Any
exercises not completed in tutorial time should be completed in the student's own time.
There is an expectation by the tutor that exercises set for a particular week will have been
attempted before the tutorial time in the following week.
Lecture and Tutorial Staff
Lecturer: Jan Newmarch
Office: Peninsula G427
Phone: 990 44249
One semester of 13 weeks. Students attend one 2 hour lecture and one 2 hour tutorial per week.
To provide students with an understanding of the main features of the UNIX operating system, with
particular emphasis on file handling, shell script programming, application programming in the C or
java programming environment and simple inter-process communication and client/server
At the completion of this subject a student should:
- have an appreciation of the structure and features of UNIX.
- be able to write shell scripts to drive programming environments and integrate UNIX utilities.
- understand file management and processing in the UNIX environment
- understand processes and inter-process communication in the UNIX environment.
- be able to interface with the UNIX environment using system calls from C or java programs.
Computer hardware
All teaching within this subject is based on the use of the UNIX system (venus)
supplied by the Monash Information Technology Services. As part of your
enrollment in this subject you will be given a username and password on venus.
These details will be discussed during the lecture in the first week.
Computer software
All teaching within this subject is based on UNIX and C as implemented on venus. All of your exercises and assignments
must be run on venus.
Subject Web Page
All course material is available for viewing and down-loading from the web page
address http://jan.newmarch.name/ProgrammingUnix/.
Recommended Books
The following text book has been recommended for this subject and are
available through the bookshop:
G. Glass and K. Ables "Unix for Programmers and Users", Prentice-Hall
Other References
Haviland, K. & Salama, B. "UNIX System Programming",
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Kochan, S.G. & Wood, P.H."UNIX Shell Programming", Hayden Books,
Howard Sams and Company.
Bach, M.J., "The Design of the UNIX Operating System", Prentice-Hall
Bourne S.R., "The UNIX System", Addison-Wesley
Christian, K "The UNIX Operating System", John Wiley and Sons.
Prata, S. "Advanced UNIX: A Programmer's Guide", H.W. Sams and
Rochkind, M.J. "Advanced UNIX Programming", Prentice-Hall
Sobell, M. G. "UNIX System V: A Practical Guide", Benjamin Cummings
Swartz, R. "UNIX Applications Programming: Mastering The Shell",
SAMS-Macmillan Publishing
Tanenbaum, A.S. "Operating Systems Design and Implementation"
Prentice-Hall International
Assessable components
There will be one final examination (worth 50% of the total assessment), and
assignment work (worth 50% of the total assessment). Assignment work includes
a shell script programming assignment (20%)
a simple C programming assignment (10%)
system call programming assignment in C (20%).
To pass the subject you must obtain
at least 50% of the total marks given in the subject, and at least 50% of the total
marks given for the formal examination and at least 40% of the marks given for
the assignments.
Policy on Plagiarism
Students should consult University materials on cheating,
in particular:
- Statute 4.1 on Discipline at
- Student Resource Guide at
particularly the section on Cheating at
- Student Resource Guide - section on Student Rights
and Responsibilities at
- Faculty policy at
It is the student's
responsibility to make themselves familiar with the
contents of these
Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Tue Feb 18 22:35:28 EST 2003
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch