Operating Systems
and Computer Structures G2
Tutorial Week 2
What are the two main functions of an Operating System?
To provide management of hardware resources, and to provide management of software
resources (programs, files, etc).
In handling tasks such as printing, why is spooling used?
To allow orderly processing of jobs, so that they can be printed in some sort
of order and without trying to simultaneously access the hardware.
List some differences between PC Operating Systems and mainframe Operating
Multi-user; multi-tasking; security; address capability; batch processing
Why is the shell not part of the Operating System?
Shell functionality is not inherent in the O/S. It allows different shells
to be used.
List several types of hardware components that may vary between different installations
of the same computer type. How should these differences be handled by the
Operating System?
Video cards of different types; floppy disks of different sizes. Need a common
abstraction above this (open, write, close) to hide the differences.
List the MSDOS commands to perform the common operations given in the lecture.
Which of these commands are executed by command.com? List some of the differences
between these commands and their Unix equivalents.
DIR, COPY, REN, TYPE, DEL, CD, MKDIR, RMDIR. Options are signalled by /option
instead of -option. Range of options is usually smaller.
Is Microsoft Windows an Operating System? Is Windows NT an Operating System?
What are some of the differences between Microsoft Windows and Windows NT?
MS Windows: No; Windows NT: Yes. NT: flat memory model, support for multi-tasking.
How does Microsoft Windows allow the user to perfrom the common commands given
in the lecture?
Use the File Manager.
List some of the differences between Unix file name globbing and the similar
pattern matching mechanism in MSDOS.
Unix performs globbing in the shell, MSDOS by individual applications. Unix
allows as many wildcards as wanted in the pattern, MSDOS does not.
Laboratory Week 2
There are a number of graphical editors available under Unix. A simple one
is ted, which will edit a single file using a single window. A more complex
one is axe which will allow multiple files in many windows. Choose one of these
an use the online help to explore the editor.
Start the mail program, and read the messages that have been sent to you. Use
the mail program to send messages to other people, using their login id.
Use the news program to read some interesting groups. A group that you can
post to is uc.ise.os
Use the online manual to find out what the following commands do:
at, compress du, file,
at - run a command at a later time
compress - compress a file to use less space
du - report on disk usage
file - find the type of a file (program, C text, etc)
What do the following commands do:
ls -R, ls -t, ls -rta
-R - recursive listing
-t - order by time modified instead of alphabetic
-rta - all files (including starting with .), reversed time order.