
This lecture looks at the basic concepts of shell programming, such as variables, loops and conditional statements. It also looks at quoting mechanisms and command substitution.

Command language programming

Command interpreters recognise programming languages, that act on files and programs. They may be general languages such as the Algol-based WFL for Burroughs, or special purpose languages such as These languages allow lots to be done without having to deal with the low-level programmers API.


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Shell variables

Unix shell variables consist of a sequence of letters, digits and the underscore, beginning with a letter. Variables are not declared.

From now on we only discuss the Bourne shell, Korn shell, zsh and bash. The csh and tcsh have different syntax.

Assignment to a shell variable is by

variable=value NB: there are no spaces either side of ``=''

To use the value of a variable, prefix it with a ``$''


There are some occassions when you need the value of the variable to be immediately followed by text. The variable name may be enclosed in curly brackets x=fred echo ${x}dy


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Command substitution (grave command)

There are many occasions when you want to execute a command and keep the result around. For example, you may want to keep the list of files in the current directory stored in a variable. The grave command `...` runs the command between the accents and leaves the result in place.


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In any of the shells, arithmetic may be done using the expr command x=2 y=`expr $x + 2` bash also allows you to do arithmetic using the let command x=3 let y=$x+4


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Commands are normally one per line. Multiple sequential commands may appear on one line separated by a semi-colon ls; echo "files listed"


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For loop

The syntax of this command is for vbl [in values] do commands... done NB: the words ``for'', ``do'', ``done'' must be the first words on the line. The commands can be any set of commands.



cd ~/.. for i in os* do echo "A student is $i" done A common case is to loop through all the command line arguments (positional parameters). for i in $* do echo "an arg was $i" done A shorthand for this is to omit the in $*: for i do echo "an arg was $i" done


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Exit codes

There are conditional expressions and while loops which use Boolean values. Commands act on files and produce visible output. Where is the Boolean value from running a command?

Every command succeeds or fails. eg. rm. may succeed at removing a file, or may fail to remove another file because of permission problems. An exit code holds this value.

The exit code is not visible. The exit code of the last command is stored in the shell variable ``?''. A value of zero stands for success, anything else for failure.

Generally, the exit code is not documented anywhere. The commands ``test'' and ``expr'' are the best documented, because they are often used in Boolean expressions.


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While command

The syntax is while commands do commands done The list of commands in the Boolean part is executed each time round the loop. Usually this list is just one command, but it may be a pipeline. The exit code of the last command in this list is used as the Boolean value. If it is True (exit code zero), the commands in the body are executed.


print the first 20 integers

I/O can be redirected from an entire while loop:


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Conditional statement

The syntax of this command is if commands then commands fi with variations such as if commands then commands else commands fi


if a command script requires at least one parameter then this test should be used: if [ $# -lt 2 ] then echo "Usage: $0 files..." exit 1 fi


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Case statement

The syntax is case value in pattern) commands;; ... pattern) commands;; esac The value is some string or integer. The patterns the use shell globbing mechanism of * and ?. The matches of value to pattern take place strictly top-to-bottom, and the first match is used.


Test if variable x contains a single character value, two characters, or more:


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There are some characters special to the shell, such as * and ?. The * is also special in regular expressions. If you attempt sed s/.*// the shell will read the * and attempt to glob it. sed will then get a list of files and complain. A quoting mechanism is used by the shell to stop it interpreting characters it shouldn't.

Interpretation of a single character is turned off by prefixing it with a backslash `\' as in

echo the amount is \$20 To echo a `\' itself, use \\.

Enclosing something in single quotes '...' turns off all interpretation, including interpretation of $, * and \.

Enclosing something in double quotes "..." allows $variable substitution but no other.

Single quotes in this sed command will turn off variable substitution. No quotes cause an error.


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Miscellaneous examples


read integers one per line from standard input until end-of-file (control-D) and print the sum


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Write a shell script that takes one parameter. This parameter is a command that is to be run on all ordinary files in the current directory, and recursively in every subdirectory script=$0 command=$1 for f in * do if [ -d $f ] then cd $f $script $command cd .. else $command $f fi done


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This page is, copyright Jan Newmarch.
It is maintained by Jan Newmarch.
Last modified: 5 August, 1996