
This lecture looks at the way to create batch files under Unix, and discusses the most common commands used in them. it also looks at file redirection.

File permissions

Files within a file system usually have some attributes set which control permissions to access them.


MSDOS files can have flags The command dir /aH will show all hidden files.


Subject: blah

Added by: me
I dcont understand


Unix files have 10 bits set
as in -rwxr-x--- (read, write, execute for owner; read, execute for group; none for others).

Modes can be added or subtracted using the chmod command eg

chmod ug+rx file chmod o-rwx file Modes may also be set numerically using a 3-digit octal number. The first digit sets user permissions, the second sets group permissions and the last sets other permissions. Read has value 4, write has value 2, execute has value 1, and the bits are or-ed together to give a single octal digit. For example chmod 751 file gives r,w,x permission to user; r,x to group; x to other.


Batch and command files

A batch job is a command or set of commands that are entered into a queue of jobs to be executed at some time suitable to the O/S. A batch job must contain enough information to allow the O/S to determine input and output files, resources required, etc.


Burroughs A9 WFL has job headers such as COMPILE OBJECT/EX40 WITH COBOL; COMPILER FILE CARD(KIND=DISK, TITLE=EX40,DEPENDENTSPECS) FILE SUPPLIER-FILE(TITLE= *JD/554/40/INITSUPP,DEPENDENTSPECS) A command file is a set of instructions stored in a file to be executed along with any other processes. Such a command file may be interactive.


Subject: hjhkhkj

Added by: kjhkhj


MSDOS command files are required to end in .bat. then reads the set of instructions and executes them. It recognises a particular language. e.g cls PATH c:\dos if exist c:lcl.bat c:\lcl (clear the screen; set the search path for executables to c:\dos; if the file c:lcl.bat exists then execute it.)



The common Unix command line interpreters attempt to execute files if execute permission is set. Executable files produced by the compilers have a `magic' number stored in the first few bytes of the file to say what type it is. Executable files without a magic number are assumed to be command files.

The information about magic numbers is stored in the file /etc/magic. For example, an executable for a VAX starts with (octal) 0575, whereas an MSDOS library file begins with (hex) 0xf0.

If the first line of the command file is

#!interpreter (eg #!/bin/sh) then that interpreter is executed to process the command file. Otherwise the current command interpreter is used to execute the command file. For the current course, as used at UC in 95/2, the bash interpreter is used. To make sure the correct shell is used, make the first line of your program #!/bin/bash

A full programming language is accepted by the Unix command interpreters such as sh, csh, tcsh, bash, ksh, zsh. A typical file might be

clear PATH=/bin/usr/bin if [ -x myfile ] then myfile fi (This does the Unix equivalent of the MSDOS script above.)

To make a Unix command file (or shell script) you first edit the file to store the commands and save the file. You then change the mode to executable by

chmod u+x file It can then be executed by just typing its name.


Command line arguments

A program may often need to execute with a set of arguments given at runtime. These are usually either keyword arguments or positional arguments. eg on the A9, linking of internal files to external files is done by the FILE word.


In C, the arguments are made available to the program by an array of strings (always called argv). This array is indexed by position, where the zero'th position is the command name itself. main(int argc, char *argv[]) { printf("program name is %s\n", argv[0]); }



MSDOS command files makes arguments available as positional arguments, %0, %1, ..., %9. This echoes the command name for any .bat file: echo Command name is %0



The Unix shells have positional arguments $0 (name of the command file), $1, $2,...,$9. In addition $* is the string of all arguments $1,..., and $# is the total number of arguments. e.g echo "the name of this\ command is $0" echo "and it has $# arguments" (Lines that are too long may be broken up using the continuation character `\'.)


I/O redirection

In batch processing systems there is no interactive I/O. In interactive systems there is an input stream and an output stream, and perhaps an error output stream. Usually these will be connected by the command interpreter to the keyboard and screen. Some systems allow these to be changed so that a command can be run with different I/O streams.


MSDOS allows redirection of input and output command < input-file command > output-file e.g to display the contents of file myfile.txt more < myfile.txt



Unix allows redirection of standard input (stdin, 0), standard output (stdout, 1) and error output (stderr, 2) command 0< in 1> out 2> error command < in > out 2> error In addition, output may be appended to a file (rather than overwriting existing contents) by command >> file The shells also allow the output of one command to be made the input to another, forming a pipeline command1 | command2 Programs designed to work in pipelines are often called filters.



Some miscellaneous Unix I/O redirects:
  1. ls > tmp saves ls output in tmp

    (Why /tmp? Why $$?).


  2. ls -l >> tmp appends to tmp


  3. who | wc -l counts the number of people logged in


  4. man cp | lpr sends the man page for cp to the printer


  5. tr '\040\010' '\012\012' < file | sort | uniq produces an alphabetic listing of words in `file' (assuming words separated by spaces).


These can all be used in command files. For example, you can create a command called ``manprint'' that contains man $1 | lpr that is run by manprint cp


Common Unix utilities

There are about 200 commands that are supplied with every Unix system, many of them quite obscure. The Unix philosophy is to have lots of tools specialised to particular tasks rather than big tools that do everything.


Compare two files for differences. Returns true if they are the same. This command is only useful in shell scripts where a Boolean value is required from a file comparison



Report the differences between two files.



Find files that match a pattern and perform an action on them. This command searches for files recursively from a given directory. eg find . -name "*" -print find / -name core -exec rm {} \;



List the first lines of a file. head -50 file



List the last lines of a file.



Report on the status of active processes. There are many options to this, to examine processes in various states.



Kill an active process. kill PID



Print a file.



List files in the print queue.



Remove a file from the print queue.



Pause the process for a period. sleep 20



Search for lines in a file containing a pattern. grep pattern file It prints each line in the file that matches the pattern. You won't believe how useful this is till you have a lot of files...

With multiple files, you also get the filename as well as the line matched:

The -l option just tells you which files contain matching lines



Echo a string to standard output. echo "hello..."



Stream editor. This is useful for on the fly editing, typically of small strings. sed 1,10d file prints file with lines 1-10 deleted sed 20q file prints first 20 lines and then quits sed -n 20,30p file -n turns off default printing, so only prints lines 20 to 30 sed 's/old/new/' file prints file with occurrences of ``old'' changed to ``new''.

If no file is given, sed reads from standard input e.g. to remove the first header line from ps output

ps | sed 1d



Perform tests for existence, permissions, etc on files, and some arithmetic comparisons. test -f file test -r file [ -f file ] test 20 -lt 3



Perform Boolean and arithmetic operations on integers and strings. expr 20 + 3


Regular expressions

Many editors allow you to search for a string in a file. Usually this is just an ordinary piece of text. Sometimes you want something more complex. e.g. search for either ``the'' or ``The''. The Turbo Pascal editor allows Ctrl-A to stand for any single character.

The Unix utilities grep, ed, vi, sed, awk, emacs etc., all support a particular type of pattern.

This is also available from C using the regexp or regex libraries, and is available in some languages such as tcl and perl.

Because the utilities grep and sed are often used in Unix shell programs it is worth looking at their pattern mechanism. The simplest patterns are

  1. ^ matches the start of a line
  2. $ matches the end of a line
  3. . matches any single character
  4. * after a character matches zero or more occurrences of that character
  5. [chars] matches any single one of the characters.



  1. ^The$ matches ``The'' on a line by itself.
  2. [Tt]he matches ``The'' or ``the''
  3. [0-9]* matches any number
  4. os[89][0-9]* matches os student ids



The long listing for a file may be -rw-r--r-- 1 jan 2048 Jul 4 file1 To just extract the permissions part, use ls -l | sed 's/ .*//'


More complicated patterns are

  1. \c for any character c, matches c (allows you to "escape" special characters.
  2. [^chars] matches anything but chars.
  3. \(pattern\) matches whatever the pattern is i.e. the \( and )\ are ignored. However it also makes a "copy" of the pattern and saves it.
  4. \n for integer n, matches the nth pattern saved above.



To match anything from the beginning of the line except a full stop, then the full stop, after that from there to the end of the line, saving both patterns (but not the full stop): ^\([^.]*\)\.\(.*\)$ Then the same patterns reversed are \2\1

For example, to change ``John.Smith'' to ``Smith, John'':



The examples keep doing a cd /tmp If you want to create a temporary file, you need somewhere to do it. You could create it in your current directory. But what if you wanted to, say, count the number of files in your current directory - you would have just pushed the count out by one with your new temporary file!

The directory /tmp is for programs that need temporary files. Create your own in there. Files there are usually removed at regular periods, so don't keep anything important there.

Just for courtesy and saving of file space, remove your temporary files when you are done with them.


Why end files in $$?

We all like simple filenames, like tmp. In a multi-user system, where we have switched to a common directory like /tmp we can't all have filenames /tmp/tmp. If you create the file and I want to use it, then I can't because of file permissions - or worse, if you let me write to it then we end up with each other's garbage in it.

The shell value $$ is the current process id. This is guaranteed to be unique among all existing processes. Whenever you use $$ it substitutes the current process id. Everyone (like you from now on) adopts the convention of using this on filenames where there might be a clash of names.

When you have finished with this filename clean up afterwards by removing the file.



Why do the examples keep using files in /etc?

There are variations among the different versions of Unix, which are fortunately disappearing. Some of these variations concern common files. Here I usually want to look at commands that use text files, and /etc/ is about the only place that I can guarantee finding common text files. This is why I use it.

This directory is vital to System Administrators. It is probably not important to you, unless you want to delve into what is going on in this part of Unix.


This page is, copyright Jan Newmarch.
It is maintained by Jan Newmarch.
Last modified: 14 August, 1995