UPnP is Universal Plug and Play
Originally introduced by Microsoft as FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt)
in response to network discovery systems such as Jini and Salutation
The enabling technologies have finally caught up with the "vision"
UPnP has a large vendor support base (including M/S, Sun and IBM, plus
many other vendors)
Under UPnP, devices can connect to a network and announce their services.
Clients requiring these services can interact by remote procedure calls
While all the M/S doco phrases things in terms of Windows, there is nothing
that restricts UPnP to Windows - clients and servers can run under Linux,
for example
IP technologies
UPnP relies heavily on IP and the TCP and UDP stacks
It uses SOAP for method calls, which rely on HTTP which in turn
needs TCP
It uses HTML user interfaces, again requiring HTTP and TCP
Service adverts are broadcast using HTTP-over-Multicast (HTTPMU)
which is a UDP protocol
Requests for service info use HTTP-over-UDP (HTTPU)
It is assumed that zeroconf IP addresses are used, by AutoIP
(a combination of DHCP and link-local addresses)
It is assumed that if DNS is available, then it supports dynamic
UPnP stack
On UDP, you send datagrams: self-contained messages
Multicast UDP sends datagrams to a "group"
For HTTPMU, the contents of the datagram are HTTP requests
There is no response to these multicast requests since the
message may be received by any number of clients,
and this is not a request-response situation
So a request like
GET http://localhost/index.html
be interpreted as a request for a document
HTTPMU is expected to use the syntax of HTTP while
changing the semantics
HTTPMU allows the possibility of new request types
such as NOTIFY as well as the standard HTTP requests of
HTTPMU was invented to support UPnP
HTTPMU is not a W3C standard
HTTPMU is an expired IETF draft
HTTPU sends a single datagram over UDP to a host
The recipient may send a reply back to the host and port that
sent the datagram
Again, it is not expected that standard HTTP requests be sent,
only that the syntax is obeyed
HTTPU was invented for UPnP, etc
Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP)
SSDP is used over HTTPMU and HTTPU tp provide basic information about services
It can be used by devices starting up to notify others about their presence
It can be used by clients trying to find a service by asking to
search for a service
Announcements/requests are made by multicast over HTTPMU
Replies (if any) are made over HTTPU
SSDP notify
SSDP search
Device description
A device is described by an XML description file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<root xmlns="urn:schemas-upnp-org:device-1-0">
<URLBase>base URL for all relative URLs</URLBase>
<friendlyName>short user-friendly title</friendlyName>
<manufacturer>manufacturer name</manufacturer>
<manufacturerURL>URL to manufacturer site</manufacturerURL>
<modelDescription>long user-friendly title</modelDescription>
<modelName>model name</modelName>
<modelNumber>model number</modelNumber>
<modelURL>URL to model site</modelURL>
<serialNumber>manufacturer's serial number</serialNumber>
<UPC>Universal Product Code</UPC>
<width>horizontal pixels</width>
<height>vertical pixels</height>
<depth>color depth</depth>
<url>URL to icon</url>
<!-- XML to declare other icons, if any, go here -->
<SCPDURL>URL to service description</SCPDURL>
<controlURL>URL for control</controlURL>
<eventSubURL>URL URL for eventing</eventSubURL>
<!-- Declarations for other services defined by a UPnP Forum working
committee (if any) go here -->
<!-- Declarations for other services added by UPnP vendor (if any) go here -->
<!-- Description of embedded devices defined by a UPnP Forum working
committee (if any) go here -->
<!-- Description of embedded devices added by UPnP vendor (if any) go here -->
<presentationURL>URL for presentation</presentationURL>
There are many references to url's in this
this will be to home page of the manufacturer
this could be to any icon anywhere
service description
this could be a url anywhere
this is the url to send SOAP messages to. It must be a url on the device.
This is to allow client applications to make RPC calls to the device
this is the url to register yourself for device events. It must be
a url on the device
this is an HTML form to control the device, so must be a url on the device.
This to allow human interaction with the device
The device must be running an HTTP server
It must be able to understand SOAP messages, so needs an XML parser
It should be able to undersand form requests
The device may run many services, so the description includes a list of
Service types are standardised by the UPnP consortium. These are (April 2004)
Basic Device
Internet Gateway Device
MediaServer and MediaRenderer
Printer Device and Print Basic Service
Scanner (External Activity, Feeder, Scan, Scanner)
WLAN Access Point Device
Device Security and Security Console
Lighting Controls
A vendor will specialise within one of these types
UPnP and J2ME
There is heavy use of multicast. While J2ME supports UDP datagrams,
it does not support multicast
UPnP requires use of web services. There is now an optional extension
for the J2ME to support web services. This uses a restricted XMl parser
There are several Java implementations of UPnP. CyberLink is an open
source version. Unknown if it runs on J2ME
There are no open forums attempting to add UPnP to J2ME, but some of
the commercial implementations which claim to run under J2ME
Events are handled by a mechanism called GETA
A service that wants to send an event does so by either HTTP or HTTPU
to registered listeners
The service makes a
request to the HTTP(U) servers
running on the listeners. The listener has to decide what to do
with each request - but it does not send an HTTP response
Like Java beans, every time a service changes state (by changing the value
of a state variable) it generates an event
Listeners register for all state changes in a service
Usually, a service will be handled by a program running as a client
making SOAP calls
A service may allow a user to control it directly
The UI for a service is an HTML page, typically an HTML Form
The user controls the service by filling in form parameters and
submitting the form to the service
The service has to run CGI scripts/servlets/perl modules/etc to handle
the form
UPnP life cycle - service
Multicast its existence using HTTPMU using a
The adverts contain
Device type (e.g. dimmable light device)
Each service type (e.g. on-off service)
URL for device and service descriptions
Runs an HTTP server to respond to device/service description requests
(e.g. request for dimmable light description).
Each service contains a URL for control
Respond to
requests from clients searching for devices/services.
The responses are similar to the original adverts
Respond to control messages to an HTTP server handling SOAP requests
by calling a service method. The service should complete the method call
and respond within 30 seconds
Respond to event subscription, renewal or unsubscribe messages to an HTTP server
by recording the URL of the subscribing party
When a state change occurs, sending
messages to
the HTTP server of each event subscriber
Respond to requests to an HTTP asking for an HTML page to control the
device, and responding to requests made using this form (e.g. calling a
servlet to call a method)
Advertises termination using HTTPMU using a
UPnP life cycle - client
Make a search using HTTPMU when starting up or looking for a device/service
Receiving the response by HTTPU or HTTP
Listening for service adverts (hello/byebye) over HTTPMU
Invoking services by SOAP requests to an HTTP server
Getting a presentation page using HTTP
Subscribing to events by request to an HTTP server
Receiving event notifications on an the client's HTTP server
"Understanding Plug and Play", Microsoft, www.upnp.org
Digital Home Working Group
"Multicast and Unicast UDP HTTP Messages" IETF draft draft-goland-http-udp-00.txt
(expires 1999)
"General Event Notification Architecture Base: Client to Arbiter" IETF draft
draft-cohen-gena-client-00.txt (expires 1999)
"Simple Service Discovery Protocol/1.0" IETF draft draft-cai-ssdp-v1-00.txt
(expires 1999)
"UPnP Device Architecture"
Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Tue May 4 22:14:46 EST 2004
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch