Threads and Java
Distributed systems and concurrent systems
- Distributed and concurrent systems both deal with
"multiple things happening together"
Distributed systems deal with multiple execution threads on
more than one computer
Concurrent systems deal with multiple execution threads on
a single computer
- They share some common aspects
need to communicate
sharing of state
- They differ in the amount of shared information
and in communication bandwidth
- These produce different programming concerns
- A common way of dealing with some of the problems caused
by distributed systems on a local basis is to use concurrency
- A concurrent program can be described as one that
does more than one thing at a time
- Concurrency first appeared in hardware with e.g.
dedicated I/O processors which offload processing
from the main CPU
- Concurrency was mainly used in operating systems,
with prime examples being Unix processes
Unix processes
- The O/S schedules and runs a number of processes
- Some sort of time-sharing or process switching mechanism
is used to allocate time to each process
One process can create another, with a parent-child
- There is limited sharing of information between parent-child processes:
- Open files
- Shared memory
- Named pipes and streams
- Sockets
- Processes each have their own stack and private data areas
Scheduling policies
- A process scheduler may be pre-emptive or co-operative
- Pre-emptive: the scheduler is in charge of how long a
process runs for. If a process exceeds its timeslice,
it is stopped by the scheduler
- Co-operative: each process is in charge of how long it
runs for. When a process feels like co-operating, it will
surrender execution
- Pre-emptive is good, co-operative is usually bad
- Most O/S now support pre-emptive scheduling, but not all
(Windows 3.1 is a major co-operative scheduler).
NT has both models, to support "traditional" 16-bit Windows
applications as well as newer 32-bit ones
- Threads are "lightweight processes". They share more information
than heavyweight processes
- Typically threads share
- the same system stack
- the same heap memory
- Threads usually have their own procedure call/local variable
Shared memory problems
- If two processes/threads share memory, then both can read and
write to it
- An assignment such as
i = i + 1
or i++
involves both a read and a write
- The scheduler does not treat such an operation as "atomic"
and may interrupt it half way through to perform a context
switch to another process.
- So if process/thread A reads a value, control switches to B
which writes a value, then back to A which also writes a value,
then B's change is lost
- Many techniques exist to avoid these problems, such as
locks, semaphores, monitors, etc
- Java includes threads as part of the language model
- No extra libraries are required
- An application consists of at least one "user" thread
which runs the
- The main thread may create and run other threads as well
- A JVM may run several "kernel" and "user" threads as well
- An application terminates when all user threads terminate
Thread scheduling
- Many aspects of threads are looked after by the JVM
- Thread scheduling may use scheduling models supplied by the O/S
- Java threads may behave differently depending on whether
the O/S supports pre-emptive or co-operative threads
Thread creation
Two methods
- Subclass from
class MyThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
// code for my thread
Start this thread by
MyThread thr = new MyThread();
- Implement
class MyRun implements Runnable {
public void run() {
// code for my thread
Start this thread by
MyRun run = new MyRunnable();
new Thread(run).start();
Sequential server
while (msg = getMessage())
handle msg
Concurrent server
while (msg = getMessage())
create new thread to handle msg
Thread life-cycle
Thread alive states
Example broken shared memory
The following program (based on one from Core Java)
shares a number of "bank accounts".
Amounts are transferred from one to another on a random basis: the sum
should remain constant
Every now and then the sum is printed
Each thread "yields" halfway through a transfer. A pre-emptive O/S
could interrupt the method when it felt like, including at this point.
Yielding at this point allows most opportunity for errors
On a test run under Linux it was producing wrong results after 30
transactions. Without the
it was still running
"correctly" after 100,000 transactions (but would probably break
Mutual exclusion
- Mutual exclusion can be accomplished in Java using the
- This can be applied to methods
synchronized void writeLogEntry() {...}
or to blocks of code
synchronized(anObject) {
- A synchronized method/block can be viewed as a "critical section"
that excludes access the object by any other synchronized methods
during its execution
Use of synchronized
- The use of this word is pretty straightforward:
whenever a resource needs to be accessed in an atomic
manner, then make the access synchronized
Fixing bank account
More synchronization
Synchronization occurs on an object i.e. multiple threads executing
code associated with a single object
Synchronizing a method is equivalent to synchronizing all of the method
code on the object
In the
, the synchronizing object is the
object b
created by main()
The method
could have been written
public void transfer(int from, int to, int amount)
{ synchronized(this) {
if (accounts[from] < amount) return;
accounts[from] -= amount;
accounts[to] += amount;
if (ntransacts % NTEST == 0) test();
Synchronization on a shared object
The above example uses a single
object to synchronize on
If threads use different objects, they can only synchronize on a
shared object
The following (artificial) example creates two separate
objects and then uses a third shared object synchObject
to avoid contention
Fine control of threads
There are a number of ways in which threads can control execution
allows the scheduler to select
another runnable thread
block until woken up by a call to
and notifyAll()
wakeup threads waiting to regain control of the monitor's lock
Reader/Writer example
Two processes wish to communicate with each other, in a 2-way manner. Two pipes
can be used for this:
The two processes issue read/write requests
P1: P2:
read(pipe2) read(pipe1)
write(pipe1) write(pipe2)
Deadlock occurs.
When the "give way to the right" rule was in force, this was a common situation:
Deadlock detection
A resource allocation graph is a graph showing processes, resources and the
connections between them. Processes are modelled by circles, resources by squares.
If a process controls a resource then there is an arrow from resource to process.
If a process requests a resource an arrow is shown the other way.
For example, P1 is using R1 and has requested R2, while P2 is using R2.
Deadlock can now occur if P2 requests R1 - setting up a cycle.
The total set of conditions for deadlock to occur are:
- Mutual exclusion. Each resource is either currently assigned to one process
or is available.
- Hold and wait. Processes holding resources can request new ones.
- No preemption. Resources granted cannot be taken away, but must be released
by the process holding them.
- Circular wait. There must be a cycle in the resource allocation graph.
Deadlock and the bank account
Making the
method synchronized locks all accounts
for a transfer between two of them
This reduces concurrency
Why not just lock the two accounts?
This introduces a potential deadlock
public void transfer(int from, int to, int amount) {
if (accounts[from] < amount) return;
synchronized(accounts[from]) {
synchronized(accounts[to]) {
accounts[from] -= amount;
accounts[to] += amount;
if (ntransacts % NTEST == 0) test();
A simultaneous transfer from e.g. one to two, two to three and three to one
will introduce a cycle
Deadlock prevention
To prevent deadlocks from occurring, one of the four conditions must be disallowed.
Mutual exclusion.
Make some resources unsharable, such as printers, tape drives.
Hold and wait.
Process must request all needed resources at one time. This results in wasted
Process must release all current resources before requesting more. This is
not feasible.
No Preemption.
Make it possible for the O/S to make a process give up a resource. This may
result in lost data.
Circular wait.
Make it impossible for cycles to occur in the graph by restricting the types
of graphs that can be made. For example, give each resource a priority number.
If a resource is held with a priority, then a new resource can only be requested
of lower priority.
Bank account avoiding circular wait
Prioritise the accounts by using their numeric order
Always grab the higher order before the lower one
public void transfer(int from, int to, int amount) {
if (accounts[from] < amount) return;
int high, low;
if (from > to) {
high = from;
low = to;
} else {
high = to;
low = from;
synchronized(accounts[high]) {
synchronized(accounts[low]) {
accounts[from] -= amount;
accounts[to] += amount;
if (ntransacts % NTEST == 0) test();
Deadlock avoidance
Deadlock prevention is to ensure that deadlocks never occur. Deadlock avoidance
is attempting to ensure that resources are never allocated in a way that might
cause deadlock.
There are situations that may give rise to cycles, but in practise will not
lead to deadlock. For example, P1 and P2 both want R1 and R2, but in this manner:
P1 needs R1 first, then R2, but with a slight overlap.
P2 needs R2 first, then R1 but with no overlap.
P1 can be given R1 and P2 can be given R2. P1 will require R2 before it can
give up R1, but that is ok - P2 will give up R2 before it needs R1.
The Banker's algorithm can be used to ensure this, but it is too complicated
for general use.
Listing a directory (and subdirectories)
Listing all the files in a directory is a recursive operation:
write the name of the current directory
find all the files in the current directory
for each file, if it is an ordinary file then write its name,
else call the list files function with the new directory
This can be done synchronously using one thread or concurrently using
one thread per directory
Recursive single-thread solution
Multi-threaded solution
Each directory could be handled by a separate thread. When a list of
files is found for each directory, it's name is printed if it is
an ordinary file, but if it is a directory then a new thread is created
to handle it.
Summing the size of files in directories
Listing files can be made more complex by finding their size and summing
Recursive sum
Multi-threaded sum
This one is a lot more complicated!
variable must be shared between all threads,
so it needs to be static
Access to
must be synchronised
The synchronisation must be on a common shared object, say the first
object created
How do you know when the summation is complete?
Wait until all threads have completed
How do you know when all threads have completed?
But this is an estimate only, so is not reliable
Keep a count of all threads that are alive
How do you keep count of all threads?
Have a shared static variable
Make all changes to this synchronized
When a new thread is created, increment the count
(you can't wait until
is called,
because there may be a gap between creation and
finishes, decrement the count
- Java makes it relatively easy to do thread level programming
- It supplies a set of simple methods in the
- Thread programming is not always simple:
It is easy to make obscure and hard to trace errors
using threads
Jan Newmarch (
Last modified: Mon Aug 15 12:12:36 EST 2005
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch