Jini for DistJava
Jan Newmarch
Monash University
In socket-level programming all communication between client
and server is coded by the programmer
In RPC, the code for communication is generated from a specification.
The client includes this generated code and makes calls on it.
The server code is generated and calls implementation code
In CORBA, a specification is used to generate a server and client half-objects.
The client calls methods on the half-object which does communication to the
server which calls a server-side object
Java RMI does the same, but also allows copies of objects to be made across
the network, so that the programmer can deal with local objects, remote
references, or copies of remote objects
Jini adds the possibility of making the remote references into remote
copies, so that there are more choices of remote object: "dumb" references
or "smart" proxies
In socket-level programming, you need to know the location and port of
a service in order to connect to it
In RPC, you need to know the host. The
is a well-known service that handles RPC calls on a standard port
CORBA has three methods to locate services
A string format, which can be passed by e.g. email
A naming service running anywhere in the network that stores
name/reference pairs. A service is told the host name and port
of the naming service and registers with it.
A server is also told the host name and port of the naming
service and looks up services on it
A trader running anywhere in the network, that clients and services
know about
RMI has a naming service which runs on the same machine as the service.
Clients must know this hostname
Jini has a lookup service which is either located by multicast on a local
network or is on a host known to clients and services
What is Jini?
Jini brings ``network plug and play'' to hardware devices
and software services
Jini is in pure Java
It makes hardware and software available as Java networked services
``Legacy'' systems can be wrapped in a Java proxy
Jini has competitors including CORBA Trader, DCOM, HP's Chai,
Enterprise Java Beans, JNDI, etc
Jini Federation
A Jini federation or ``djinn'' consists of a number of clients,
services and service locators
Typically connected by TCP/IP
Objects are moved around from service to locator to client using
Figure 1: Components of a Jini federation
Service Registration
Figure 2: Querying for a service locator
Figure 3: Registrar returned
Figure 4: Service uploaded
Client Lookup
Figure 5: Querying for a service locator
Figure 6: Registrar returned
Figure 7: Asking for a service
Figure 8: Service returned
Support Services
Jini objects are moved in ``marshalled'' form
Class files may need to follow these for proper activation
The class files may need to be available from HTTP servers
Security permissions will need to be set using JDK 1.2
security model
A toaster will be controlled by some service software
The service software will be moved across the network to the client
The mobile code must be a proxy for the real service code
The proxy may be explicitly written or be an RMI proxy stub
Remote calls from the proxy may be RMI Remote calls, or by some
other mechanism such as private TCP connection
Attribute Registration
A service is uploaded to a locator as an instance of a class
Additional information such as address may also be uploaded
as instances of Entry classes
Service registration is done using a leasing system
Service Location
A client asks for a service as an instance of a class,
typically of an interface
A client may ask for additional Entry attributes
Matching on fields is exact
You can ask for a printer with a certain speed, but not for
one greater than a certain speed
Additional services may be used if complex boolean expressions
are needed
Because services can come and go, network connections can be lost, etc,
a distributed garbage collection mechanism is needed
Services which register are granted a lease
Registration lasts for as long as the lease
When the lease expires, the service is removed
Leases can be renewed
Non-distributed Application
Distributed Version
Client Structure
Internally a client will look like
prepare for discovery
discover a lookup service
prepare a template for lookup search
lookup a service
call the service
Server Structure
prepare for discovery
discover a lookup service
create information about a service
export a service
renew leasing periodically
Entry class
Creating entries
Interfaces, implementations and entries
A client looks for an instance of an interface
It may qualify the search with entries
A service exports an implementation of this interface
A service will also export additional entry information, as much
as it can
Jini Converter Service
This shows a Jini version of the
It is as minimal as possible!
Some poor practises are used, like throwing exceptions out to the main
Jini Service Specification
Jini Service Implementation
Jini Server
Jini Client
Jini Environment
There must be a Jini lookup service running to act as the "billboard"
The Jini distribution contains one, called
An HTTP server should be running, to deliver class files
The converter server runs with one set of class files
The converter client runs with another set of class files
These files should be on the HTTP server so that clients can find the class
JDK 1.2 Security
Service requirements
grant {
permission net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryPermission "*";
// multicast request address
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
// multicast announcement address
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
// RMI connections
permission java.net.SocketPermission "*.dstc.edu.au:1024-", "connect,accept";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
// reading parameters
// like net.jini.discovery.debug!
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "net.jini.discovery.*", "read";
Client requirements
The client is most at risk as it imports remote objects into its address space
Client policy
grant {
permission net.jini.discovery.DiscoveryPermission "*";
// multicast request address
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
// multicast announcement address
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
// RMI connections
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "*.dstc.edu.au:1024-", "connect,accept";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
// HTTP connections - this is where external code may come in - careful!!!
permission java.net.SocketPermission "", "connect,accept";
permission java.net.SocketPermission "*.dstc.edu.au:80", "connect,accept";
// reading parameters
// like net.jini.discovery.debug!
permission java.util.PropertyPermission "net.jini.discovery.*", "read";
Running things
Jini classes
The common classes needed by all of reggie, the clients and
servers are
These are not part of standard Java. They must be downloaded
from Sun, and are in the Jini lib
Jini Lookup Service
The command Launch-All
in the Jini installverify
directory will start the needed support services.
The client needs to have the following classes in its CLASSPATH,
in addition to the Jini classes
The class
The client can then be run by
java -Djava.security.policy=policy.all Client
The server needs to have the following classes in its CLASSPATH,
in addition to the Jini classes
The class
The class
The server can then be run by
java -Djava.rmi.server.codebase=http://hostname/classes \
-Djava.security.policy=policy.all \
If the implementation implements
and the implementation itself is advertised, then a
copy of the service is run on the client
Same as above, but the copy communicates to a third party service
by e.g. SOAP
Jini: http://www.jini.org
Jini FAQ: http://www.artima.com/jini/faq.html
Jini tutorial: http://jan.newmarch.name/java/jini/tutorial/Jini.xml
Jan Newmarch (http://jan.newmarch.name)
Last modified: Mon Oct 2 14:31:53 EST 2006
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch