Introduction to CPE 4001
What are distributed systems?
- There are many definitions
- Basically: a number of computers or computing nodes
that are linked by a network and that share data,
processing or both (DeWire 1994)
Why distributed systems?
- Performance
- Scalability
- Resource sharing
- Elegance?
Why not distributed systems?
- Latency -communication overhead
- Synchronisation - how do independent processes
share data and maintain integrity?
- Partial failure - a distributed system should continue
function even if parts of it are not available
- Additional complexity - distributed systems are much more
complex than local ones
Scope of the unit
Look at the different patterns for distributed systems
Look at the additional issues for distributed systems
versus stand-alone systems
Using Java, cover the programming aspects of distibuted systems,
remote procedure call
remote method invocation
peer to peer
Jan Newmarch (
Last modified: Thu Jul 24 01:15:44 EST 2003
Copyright ©Jan Newmarch